I love DDO and would love to see a few things added to the game:
#1) PvP challenge. Make them funner and worth something such as: a) Loot Challenge-the Winner gets to pick any non bound item from the loser. b) Grief Challenge-The loser loses a level. c) Death Match-The loser's toon is permanently deleted and broadcasted on General Forums to All.
#2) Empiracle Loot. Only one item per server, usuallly to the first person to finish a quest. Maybe for Epic Quests. You can type an /command to see who has each empiracle loot. The loot item should be very special, maybe even benifiting an entire guild. Upon Death of that toon on any quest or outside explorer area the item is automatically lost. Also, to keep people from just parking that toon, the item is only active when that toon is logged on, or has to do at least one epic quest per week or so.
#3) Teleport Expansion. The game was origianlly intended to be like that home kitchen table experience, getting right to the heart of things, w/o any of that aimless running around like in other MMO's. Please make teleport work for Reavers Refuge and Amrath as well as other new areas. Running around sucks..... when you get nothing for it....
#4) Greensteel defrag. With all the reincarnating going on at so many different levels, please allow people to break down their greensteel items and get back some of the parts from them... so that they are not a total loss.
#5) Armor Dying. Most of the upper level toons are all wearing Dragontouched Armor and everyone looks the same. It kinda takes the pride away. Can we allow some color or guild symbol cusomization?
#6) We see all the talk about new races and classes. What about bringing in some new weapons? Flails, Halberds, etc.,
I've got a ton more, but know you are all working on so much. I would love to hear from some of the developers about some of these ideas and what they think?