Okay, guild housing is coming and with it some as yet undisclosed perk system.

Here is my suggestion for a perk:

*For 1,000,000 Plat (each guild member can contribute in game as they see fit until the threshold is reached) or through TP's 1 TP = 1000 plat you can unlock this perk. (It sounds like perks are going to take up some sort of 'slot' so you can only have so many perks active at one time.)

This perk works as follows:

This perk increases the xp gained by any means by a TR character in your guild by 1% per 100 points your guild has accrued on this benefit. The maximuim xp gain a character can gain by this benefit is 25%.

For every level a TR 1 character gains in guild the perk benefit increases by one point. For every level a TR 2 character gains in guild the perk benefit increases by two points. For every level a TR 3 + character gains the perk benefit increases by three points.