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  1. #61
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Anyone know how many times/second various raid bosses attack and if it changes based on difficulty?

    I'm just about to make my second GS item for my tank character and I can't decide between air guard or lightning strike guard. Air guard is a lot cheaper and adds some good utility for soloing while lightning strike guard will add hate while tanking. However, the amount of hate that it adds is dependent on the amount of times that it procs in a boss fight, I'm wondering if anyone knows what the odds are ...

    Take Sully, Horoth or Harry for instance. As a null hypothesis perhaps we can assume that have 20 BAB and have the same attack speed as a TWF'ing character (maybe with an offhand claw). That would result in 86.7 attacks/minute with some percentage of offhand attacks (according to your thread on attack speeds). If that was the case, assuming no offhand attacks, a lightning strike guard would give about 16 DPS (86.7/60*550*.02). That's quite considerable.

    Anyone know for sure attack speeds or hits/minute?

  2. #62
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Anyone know how many times/second various raid bosses attack and if it changes based on difficulty?
    Their attack rates don't scale with difficulty.

    What does however: Is there double strike chance. (I call it that now, tho they actaully had this long before it was called double strike for players_

    Normal arraetrikos has maybe a 50% double strike chance.
    Where as elite has over 75%.

    Nearly every raid boss double strikes at a high rate. Even as early as tempest spines Sorjek.

    Lailat is more like having superior multi weapon fighting. Each swing always does 6 hits regarless of difficulty. Thus her special triple strike animation does 18 hits.
    Last edited by Shade; 04-21-2011 at 02:56 AM.

  3. #63
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Epic Velah - well, she crits HARD. The ~220-250 point crits I observed in there were probably triple damage, but could have been quadruple too.
    Not neccasarily. If you were testing on epic, she can do 125 point non crit hits, so 250 is only a x2.

    I've fought a few times forgetting ot put my hvy fort on, noticed mid battle lotsa crits.. Then just never put it on anyways since i was at no risk of dying with my 900hp to see how bad it might be.. She doesnt really crit too ften.

    Just has a ultra wide damage range.
    I believe its 2 differnet ones, thus the variance.
    EG: Common Claw attacks maybe 70-100
    While less comon bite attacks are 100-130

    Just tends not to be too challenging evne at 250+ pnt crits, as she attacks extremely slowly, and has a very small double strike chance compared to pitfiends much faster attack sped and ultra high double strike chance.
    Rough estimates would be:
    Velah can get 2 hits off during an quickened mass heal cast anim.. With maybe 5-10% double strike.
    Horoth can get off 5 swings in that time.. each with a good chance to doublestrike (50%+).
    Last edited by Shade; 04-21-2011 at 02:44 AM.

  4. #64
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post
    Suulomades (ToD) on Hard has evasion.
    All the purple devils have evasion on hard/elite settings.
    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post
    Has acid resistance been tested yet?
    All the three named purple devils have 30 resist to acid and cold but goes up to near 50 on elite.

    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Can we see required intimidate scores for the various bosses?

    +1 btw

    really well explained and laid out, great read
    I do not use the skill that often and prefer to just beat on them. Usually I only click such when things become messy or when bored and toying around so maybe someone with a DoS or DDS may chime in.

    These are ballpark on elite/epic ...

    Harry - 62
    Abbot - cannot be
    Abishai - mid 60s seems to grab it in epic but never nailed down the exact point of fail
    Horoth - 66
    Lailat - 76 epic
    Stormreaver - 52 I think been a while
    Suulomades - 65
    Velah - cannot be
    Titan - who'd care?
    Xy'zzy - 80 I believe

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Further tests re: raid boss critical hits in melee:

    Arraetrikos crits for double damage with both claws and bites on both Normal and Elite. Normal Horoth is the same, as is Epic Lailat.

    Epic Velah - well, she crits HARD. The ~220-250 point crits I observed in there were probably triple damage, but could have been quadruple too.
    Seems on elite Harry hits for 65, Horoth 105, Suulomades 60 and x2 on crits, The Devils double-strike procs seem to be nearly constant on elite difficulty and the fact they have so many attacks when they go on a melee spree adds the risk when they toss a spell between. If not for Horoth's blasphemy coupled with Badges at 30-60 per tick and his combine double-strike he'd be a chump. Those three badges plus a melee spurt when the healers are on cooldowns or stunned are the risky part.

    Velah's melee to me seems slow even in epic ... I do not know if it's because she so stationary - stuck in mud - or is she's busy fire spells to the back-lot or slapping someone else in the pack that I do not notice or what. She seems to have a bite for about 130 but the slash damage is more 90 to 100. x2 on a crit still she is much slower than the elite devils and I'd wager somewhere almost about half their speed.

    Lailat is by far the most melee intensive of the pack, on epic she does 40 to 60 per khopesh and those things have True Chaos Unholy Burst Screaming Thundering, Anarchic Burst and they by pass epic DR then toss on that tailwhip with 30 to 40 bludgeoning. Now usually she's six attacks on a spurt but every so often deliever's up to 18 attacks at once. I wonder if Turbine would give me a feat to wield weapons with my feet? Oh well, She's still my fave I do love my khopeshes and if I had six arms I'd do likely the same.

    Last edited by Emili; 04-21-2011 at 02:15 PM.
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  5. #65
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Malicia, Epic Big Top:

    HP is approximately 150k (details
    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    click the quote mark here

    Testing method: Solo* her with a caster, using the quite predictable DPS of 3-stacked Niac's Biting Cold and Eladar's Electric Surge.

    *Solo here means noone else goes all-out DPS on her. Other party members are present but mostly concern themselves with trash killing.
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  6. #66
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Their attack rates don't scale with difficulty.

    What does however: Is there double strike chance. (I call it that now, tho they actaully had this long before it was called double strike for players_

    Normal arraetrikos has maybe a 50% double strike chance.
    Where as elite has over 75%.

    Nearly every raid boss double strikes at a high rate. Even as early as tempest spines Sorjek.

    Lailat is more like having superior multi weapon fighting. Each swing always does 6 hits regarless of difficulty. Thus her special triple strike animation does 18 hits.
    What you are mostly seeing here is one animation with two attacks. Take a toon with no static DR, equip an item that reduces bludgeoning damage, and check your combat log when you think you've been double-struck - you'll see something like this:

    Combat: Arraetrikos hit you for 53 damage
    Combat: Arraetrikos hit you for 47 damage after 3 damage was blocked by your damage reduction (piercing or slashing).

    That's 53 slash damage and 50 bludgeoning damage coming from his 'claw attack' animation, which has two attacks to it.

    The Pit Fiends also have a bite attack, this does more damage than the claw attacks.
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  7. #67
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Malicia, Epic Big Top:

    HP is approximately 150k (details )

    Testing method: Solo* her with a caster, using the quite predictable DPS of 3-stacked Niac's Biting Cold and Eladar's Electric Surge.

    *Solo here means noone else goes all-out DPS on her. Other party members are present but mostly concern themselves with trash killing.
    I might be able to persuade someone to actually let me damage her all by myself tomorrow when I'm off timer just to test.

    I've been considering trying to organize a shroud where no one damages Arraetrikos in pt 4 at all during the first round just to see how far an air savant can take him in the 90 second window.

  8. #68
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    Still busy with school stuff but I went and tested Malicia's HP and AC. It was a solo run except with a hireling to heal. The HP was tested by the pixel method, while AC was from looking at the 1d20 + attack roll modifier totals. No destruction or other AC-modifying stuff was used. It was done this morning so post-Update 9.

    The results were that she has between 96792 and 97222 HP, so she likely has around 97k HP. A roll of 13(+55) was a hit, while a roll of 4(+63) was a miss, so my understanding is that means she has an AC of 68 (if I understand AC correctly, i.e. roll that ties with AC is considered a hit). So you'd need +66 or higher to have guaranteed hit on a 2, although stuff like destruction naturally makes that lower.

    Note that this was more or less solo, I don't know if epics will scale with number of players (i.e. whether or not epic HP has been tested to scale). She may or may not also have slightly HP on each run, this was tested for just one run.

  9. #69
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    Still busy with school stuff but I went and tested Malicia's HP and AC. It was a solo run except with a hireling to heal. The HP was tested by the pixel method, while AC was from looking at the 1d20 + attack roll modifier totals. No destruction or other AC-modifying stuff was used. It was done this morning so post-Update 9.

    The results were that she has between 96792 and 97222 HP, so she likely has around 97k HP. A roll of 13(+55) was a hit, while a roll of 4(+63) was a miss, so my understanding is that means she has an AC of 68 (if I understand AC correctly, i.e. roll that ties with AC is considered a hit). So you'd need +66 or higher to have guaranteed hit on a 2, although stuff like destruction naturally makes that lower.

    Note that this was more or less solo, I don't know if epics will scale with number of players (i.e. whether or not epic HP has been tested to scale). She may or may not also have slightly HP on each run, this was tested for just one run.
    Those HP figures are interesting - they disagree so wildly with Junts' test that it isn't funny, and I can't see a source of error that large in his method (the only possible source of such a large error would be if he mis-timed the '4 minutes'; another source if he had a statistically unusual number of crits).

    Pretty certain Epics do not scale at all.

    Your understanding of AC is precisely correct. She has the highest AC in the game now (Raiyum used to have that honor at 73 but he's been nerfed hard). IIRC Turigulon (Epic Devil Assault) is next at 67, which goes alongside his DR 30/Silver and (I believe) DR 30/good (It could be 35/good as well, I seldom run that quest when not on my main, and the main is on the TR train at the moment). He is quite a bucket of HP as well.
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  10. #70
    The Hatchery
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    From another thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    Abbot's HP has been adjusted from 50k HP (regardless of difficulty) to 135k HP (regardless of difficulty).

    Far as I know it's usually just done on elite because the HP doesn't scale, and the puzzles are identical, so you might as well as get more loot (probabilistically). I'm not sure what changes in Abbot by difficulty. The DCs maybe?
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
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  11. #71
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    I've been busy with school so haven't really had time to update this or some of the other threads. But anyway, in case anyone's interested, the Lord of Blades has around 860k HP (and CR 58) on epic elite, around 350k HP (and CR 38) on epic hard, and around 266k HP (and CR 36) on heroic hard. When I have some time I'll try to update the other difficulties as well.

  12. #72
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Interesting, suspected from completion times it was well over 1m on EE.

    Warforged Mastery will give absolute confirmation of what HP percentages his phase changes trigger at - whether it's 5%, 7% or 10% for the final phase, and so on. The ability to have more control over phase changes could be quite strategically useful.
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  13. #73
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Interesting, suspected from completion times it was well over 1m on EE.

    Warforged Mastery will give absolute confirmation of what HP percentages his phase changes trigger at - whether it's 5%, 7% or 10% for the final phase, and so on. The ability to have more control over phase changes could be quite strategically useful.
    mm probably due to the fact he has a gillion AC on EE.. Most everyone gets grazing hits on 2-4/5/6 due to that, lowering dps a lot.

    Im kinda surprised he has more hp on EH vs HH, always felt lower. Probably due to the huge boost in dps the destinies added though, that and his other very poor stats on EH.

    Check EN, bet thats like equal to HN, if not lower.

    Also keep in mind monster hp is rolled randomly and varies GREATLY from run to run. Though possibly less for raid bosses since they are probably like 50d500+300,000 or something.

    The optional rednamed spider in ID EE for example had 50k hp one run, and 95k the next.
    Last edited by Shade; 08-24-2012 at 01:53 AM.

  14. #74
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    A few more HP for bosses:

    Velah has 138k HP on EN, 303k HP on EH, and 743k HP on EE.

    Lolth's Immanence has 311k HP on EN, 566k HP on EH, and 961k HP on EE.

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Warforged Mastery will give absolute confirmation of what HP percentages his phase changes trigger at - whether it's 5%, 7% or 10% for the final phase, and so on. The ability to have more control over phase changes could be quite strategically useful.
    As far as I'm aware, the trigger for the last phase change has always been 10%, or at least since I started doing the raid (I was a bit late to the party though, because I didn't have enough TP for the pack when it first came out). The first run that I recorded was on October 21, 2011:

    You can see that he had 14 pixels left when the final phase triggered, which meant he was between 14/148 = 9.46% and 15/148 = 10.1% HP at the time. Or, after I changed the focus orb to directly have HP percentages on it:

    Again, you can see that he was at around 10% when the final phase triggered. I don't know why anyone would think differently, it's fairly straightforward to just count the number of pixels and do a bit of simple division, or to just read off of the scale in the latter case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    Also keep in mind monster hp is rolled randomly and varies GREATLY from run to run. Though possibly less for raid bosses since they are probably like 50d500+300,000 or something.
    Regular monsters differ in HP quite a bit because of dungeon scaling and stuff (and that they inherently have a fairly wide range). Raid bosses on the other hand, or at least all the ones that I've tested so far, don't differ in their HP very much, something like less than 1-2%. For example, Epic Elite Lolth so far has had between 960k and 962k HP in the different tests. I don't think that difference is really worth worrying much about for raid bosses. Certainly it will change a lot for regular monsters though, so I haven't really bothered to look at regular monster HP.

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