Eberronians WAKE UP!
The DEV is using the NOOB as muscle to take YOUR plat!
Laugh all you want but when the troops are on YOUR corner taking YOUR family to the death chambers they call "airships" you'll be sorry! Too late sheeple!! too late!!
Seriously, It ain't happening. Maybe we take some steps back and things will be rearranged (maybe painfully) to meet the new day. But when the house catches fire don't worry the fire department will come.
That being said I do have a Get Out Of Dodge bag.
GPS, maps, water purifier with many, many filters, things that go crack, things that go bang and a thing that goes boom. You never know, maybe we do go Mad Max.
But I think not. Society, while a intricate interconnected web with each strand depending on the other, is an amazingly resilient web.
Ain't happening.
All right Hannibal FTW! Good news.