I thought that's why Turbine added hirelings, so I could still play when most of the population is gone...
I thought that's why Turbine added hirelings, so I could still play when most of the population is gone...
lvl 5 barbarian rogue looking for healer and others for quest 'defend my stuff from council tax balifs' (no noobs) ;-)
Today's DDO special: Aluminum Foil Sombreros only 55 TP delivered right to your home.
+5 protection against socilistic Muslim beauty queens and a bag of holding for your gold bars, AKs and MREs.
Stormreach Requisition Company.
Misandry, Angus, MccAngus, Egomaniacal, Angrus, MightyAngus, SuperAngus, Brumbo, StubbyAngus, GroovyAngus, Pinheadangus and Moe.
Saiga makes a great 12 gauge based on the AK-47 mechanism.
They sell 12 round drums for it for $90 bucks.
I fear neither bleak financial times nor zombie hordes.
All praise Federal Shells!
This thread has it all, and it makes me happy to read that the crazies have found this game, too! (...or the trolls. >.<)
The definition of crazy has been broadened to incude those who opinions don't agree with your own. Though truth be told I am closer to a Realist and Someone who likes to stay prepare for any situation. It seems logical that a person should be on guard incase the **** hits the fan and everything goes to ****. But those skills you need are skills being lost in a "Want now" society. I guess it's the "ranger" in me, that thinks know how to hunt for your own food and knowing how to prep it is something everyone needs to know how to do.
Would be awesome if they offered a server emulator for download or something.
That way we could still play DDO in our self-sustaining underground survival bunkers while waiting for civilization to wipe itself out and rebuild anew.
Oh and I guess while they are at it, they could give us the content and level editors as well...haha
Hey if your gonna dream, dream big!
Incredibly, there's a site for that too!
Texas does NOT have any special right to secede from the Union.
It does, however, have the right to divide itself up into four (4) completely separate states at any time. Those states would be members of the Union automatically. No special votes needed.
OMG!! It's the end of civilization as we know it!!!
I am prepared. At least Turbine isn't solviong it by booting half it's players for "bannable offensives"
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Here's what we CAN expect, from a macroeconomic sense, over the next few decades:
Wages will continue to fall and/or stay the same, especially in industries such as manufacturing. This is because wages were previously artificially inflated with workers earning more than their work was worth. We can blame unions for this one, well, unions and the companies that failed to stand up to them on their demands. Manufacturing jobs will continue to be shipped overseas to labor markets with lower wages. This will continue until markets like China, India, etc. reach an equilibrium with similar jobs in the United States.
Social Security will go bankrupt. There will be no Social Security for the young generation of workers.
The American economy will continue to become more service-based, rather than manufacturing based, until manufacturing in the United States becomes financially viable (when the above mentioned equilibrium is reached).
Revolution? Doubtful. Depression? Perhaps, but it can be argued that it's long overdue. Thanks to technology, we won't have the same problems seen in the Great Depression (food shortages, etc.). We may have different problems, instead, like energy shortages.
Essentially, the United States has sat on a perch of economic superiority for a long time. Now that globalization is the driving force behind economics, our economy will not ever attain its former glory until a large portion of the rest of the world is brought closer to our standards of living.
I'd like to see whoever disagrees with this assessment try to prove otherwise.
Last edited by Aspenor; 05-19-2010 at 04:37 PM.
You may lack the perspective of age which will inform you that this kind of stuff has been going on since the dawn of time. Folks find bad news interesting so there is lots of it to be heard. Its interesting because its generally the exception rather than the rule. Most of the time things are pretty decent and for every foreclosed home, there are many more people happily live in.
Don't let the fear mongers make you think your all doomed. They have been saying the world will end since the days of the first religions. So far the doomsayers track record is pretty poor.
Civilization is indeed coming to an end...
Fortunately Civilization V is coming out real soon!!!