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  1. #1
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    Question Paladin/Sorcerer Weapon Choice Help Please

    I haven't planned out the build yet, just drawing ideas up in my head. I'm thinking of something like a 1Rogue/5Paladin/14Sorcerer build and my question is what weapon/race combination would work best with this.

    Elf w/ Weapon Finesse and rapiers w/ all enhancements?

    Human w/ khopesh?

    Warforged w/ anything?

    Please give any feedback on these options or if you have your own opinion please share.
    Last edited by Achillzeus; 05-19-2010 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Standard build is Warforged Sorcerer16/Paladin2/Rogue2 or /Monk2 running around with big 2-handed weapons.

    2-handed weapons are a bit 'cheaper' when it comes to attributes and feats. Works even without extra feats and no need for solid Dex.

    Personally I never go with Weapon Finnese if Im building a warrior-type char. I ask myself: Do I want to kill fast or just tickle. STR is simple, more is better and is deadly. Plus Weapon Finnese is a feat.

  3. #3
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    Greataxe seems to be the way to go, after going over the feats it doesn't seem plausible to go 2WF w/ all the feats needed to maintain DPS. Thanks for your input.

    Is taking only 2 levels of Paladin really sufficient enough to receive any benefits of rolling Paladin?

    What is the point of the extra rogue level?

    Would taking 5 or 7 Paladin levels with 1 level of Rogue be better?

    I'm looking to maximize my DPS output.
    Last edited by Achillzeus; 05-19-2010 at 03:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Vistella's Avatar
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    2 paladin is for cha modifier to all saves which means an easy extra +15 to all saves
    2 rogue is for evasion. combine that with the high saves and you will only fail rolls on a 1

    and the more sorc levels you have, the more damage your firewall does which you will be standing in while swinging away. thats why loosing casterlevels is bad and why the rest of the 16 levels go into sorc

  5. #5
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    I'm on the correct path now thank you.

  6. #6
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    My only question about this build now is what armor would go best. I know anything past clothes presents the chance of spell failure, does this go for all spells like Wall of Fire?

    Would Warforged w/ a lower CHA be best for the docent?
    Is there any epic docents?

    Would Human for the extra feat, skill points, and CHA in robes be best?

  7. #7
    Community Member RoboVanguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Achillzeus View Post
    My only question about this build now is what armor would go best. I know anything past clothes presents the chance of spell failure, does this go for all spells like Wall of Fire?

    Would Warforged w/ a lower CHA be best for the docent?
    Is there any epic docents?

    Would Human for the extra feat, skill points, and CHA in robes be best?
    Spell failure affects all arcane spells. The only time they don't apply is if you are using cleric, fvs, paladin, or ranger spells. So in short, yes you should not cast in heavy armor. Furthermore, if you go warforged, they can ONLY wear docents. There are some epic docents I believe, but not particularly outstanding ones since I don't remember any off the top of my head.

  8. #8
    Community Member Vistella's Avatar
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    the best is subjective but WFs are usualy the best at such a build as they can heal themself pretty quick with reconstruct.

    also such a build is a melee build, so DCs arent needed which means the -2cha from WF arent a big deal

    about armor: if you are a fleshy, you will go with robes as almsot all spells have arcane spell failure and that usualy goes off when you can need it the least. WFs go with docents ofc and no body feat (to keep ASF low). and yes, there are epic docents, at least the one from the sentinal chain

  9. #9
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Community Member Vistella's Avatar
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    arcane spell failure
    (thats why i typed it out the first time i used it in the post)

  11. #11
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    Ah makes sense; sorry just didn't catch that one.

    Thanks everyone, rolling a WF 2ROG/2PAL/16SOR w/ end-game GS greataxe.
    Last edited by Achillzeus; 05-19-2010 at 04:12 PM.

  12. #12
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    While is true that that build can work and be good, keep in mind that is a really advanced build, and hard to play, you will need good equipment and divine power clickies (or scrolls through umd) or you will miss a lot on melee...
    From all the questions you asked in this thread it seems you are kinda new, and there are many concepts you dont grasp well yet, i wont suggest this char till you know more about the game, go with a pure class, and when you are more confident on your knowledge try this build, there are many ways to screw a build in ddo, having the right lvl split and race is not enough...

    If you still want to do this, check this thread: with the posts, originally was done for lvl cap 16 so its listed as 12/2/2 but if you keep reading the thread you will get a lot of usefull info about the build, and why each choice was made...
    Last edited by Gercho; 05-19-2010 at 02:57 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default answers - sort of

    The question here is which do you want to do more often cast spells with backup if necessary or use spells before hacking the poor monster to pieces?

    This goes more towards how much sorcerer do you want to take. IF you are using Paladin for when the mobs get to close, Take WF, take Mithril armor and Take the DR line. You will have some AFS but not much and the DR means less oftern taking Concentration checks and easier to make them. The key spells are indeed Wall of Fire and some higher level CC spells. As such, you take more sorcerer.

    However, if you are using the Paladin to kill things, you are better off taking more Paladin and Rogue and less sorcerer. Sorcerer 6 gets you Cure Serious wounds as well as some buffs (like Bull's Strength). I would look at the Paladin spell list (as Zeal needs Pal 14 and with Sorcerer 6, you would have no Monk or Rogue levels) and see how many appeal to you. Pal4 gets you Turn Undead and Pal 6 gets you remove disease. Also, Pal 6 or Rog 6 gives access to PrEs

    However, an even split - or close to it - it not popular among the forum posters. So, a Pal6/Sorc6/Rog8 will take a hit as will Pal4/Sorc6/Rog 10

  14. #14
    Community Member Achillzeus's Avatar
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    Thank you for that link.

  15. #15
    Bray The Great Whale SEMPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Achillzeus View Post
    Ah makes sense; sorry just didn't catch that one.

    Thanks everyone, rolling a WF 2ROG/2PAL/16SOR w/ end-game GS battle axe.
    i hope u mean greensteel greataxe ? as a battle axe is a one handed weapon ?
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