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  1. #21
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    What is wrong with my reasoning? Isn't it crit-processed? Isn't it Smiting a lvl 8 or 10 item property, and you need 9 lvls for improved critical?

    Edit: According to this post, Keen is +1 and Smiting is +5

    ML of such items would be then 10, according to the formulae in the same post.
    Improved Critical is taken at lvl 9, huh, really, I don't see a flaw on my reasoning.
    many people either have a mineral II, or can't afford the imp crit feats. E.g. my bard doesn't take imp crit but still likes to smite stuff, so dual wielding keen smiting rapiers is very nice. Until I got the epic SoS on my favored soul, I exclusively used mineral II so didn't bother taking improved crit, so used keen smiters.


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  2. #22
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    Take that offer of 50k, ill tell ya why they are useless.........90% of the time you can dps one down faster with anarchic of gcb, which if you look are all over the place....they are totally useless plan on epic von five or epic wiz king and plan on actually fighting why carry smiting and gcb.....good for the lower level quests and if I was newer and had limited funds would still stick with gcb.
    Ratthlin,Rathlin,Ratlin, Healsavant
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  3. #23
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    What is wrong with my reasoning? Isn't it crit-processed? Isn't it Smiting a lvl 8 or 10 item property, and you need 9 lvls for improved critical?

    Edit: According to this post, Keen is +1 and Smiting is +5

    ML of such items would be then 10, according to the formulae in the same post.
    Improved Critical is taken at lvl 9, huh, really, I don't see a flaw on my reasoning.
    If they're keen, you can pick up a weapon that has a damage type you don't have improved critical for. i.e. a rapier user would benefit from a keen scimmy/kukri or a khopesh user would benefit from a keen rapier.

  4. #24
    Community Member HallowedOne's Avatar
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    My thought is that Keen is redundant when you have improved critical, and that everyone that wishes to melee should have that feat. You can have exceptions like Garth said, but they are that, exceptions, not a general rule.

    IMO it is better to have Automatic Keen + Adamantine + Smiting on a weapon than to have Keen + Smiting - that way you DPS with a chance of insta-kill.

    And really, looking for a weapon you don't have IC with Keen + Smiting sounds silly for me, except on the case Garth mentioned. I'd consider only if it was cheaper, which was the point of my reasoning.
    "When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."

  5. #25
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    My thought is that Keen is redundant when you have improved critical, and that everyone that wishes to melee should have that feat. You can have exceptions like Garth said, but they are that, exceptions, not a general rule.

    IMO it is better to have Automatic Keen + Adamantine + Smiting on a weapon than to have Keen + Smiting - that way you DPS with a chance of insta-kill.

    And really, looking for a weapon you don't have IC with Keen + Smiting sounds silly for me, except on the case Garth mentioned. I'd consider only if it was cheaper, which was the point of my reasoning.
    There are lots of builds that cant afford ic. There are also lots of builds that cant take it before lvl 12. The min lvl 12 scimi is nice, not a game breaking weapon but definitely nice. Far from useless as some have pointed out, yourself included.

    IC is usually the first combat feat to be thrown out by a twf that is tight on feats. Dont like it, fine dont make one, but there are plenty out there.
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  6. #26
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    i've thrown on keen smiters on my monk before just for the quicker kill
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  7. #27
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    My thought is that Keen is redundant when you have improved critical, and that everyone that wishes to melee should have that feat. You can have exceptions like Garth said, but they are that, exceptions, not a general rule.

    IMO it is better to have Automatic Keen + Adamantine + Smiting on a weapon than to have Keen + Smiting - that way you DPS with a chance of insta-kill.

    And really, looking for a weapon you don't have IC with Keen + Smiting sounds silly for me, except on the case Garth mentioned. I'd consider only if it was cheaper, which was the point of my reasoning.
    Would be nicer as adamantine - metal adds nothing to the ML... yet finding such a sweet weapon is not easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    There are lots of builds that cant afford ic. There are also lots of builds that cant take it before lvl 12. The min lvl 12 scimi is nice, not a game breaking weapon but definitely nice. Far from useless as some have pointed out, yourself included.

    IC is usually the first combat feat to be thrown out by a twf that is tight on feats. Dont like it, fine dont make one, but there are plenty out there.
    Improved Critical is a feat requiring BaB of 8 thus 3/4 BaB builds may take at level 12 usually. Keen also adds to the minimum level of the weapon like an additional +1. (I've an really old +2 keen flametouch scimitar (min lvl 4) I still keep forever to level up my melee slashing girls even though the many were Khopesh spec'd)

    +1 keen smite scimitar (min lvl 10), +2 keen smite scimitar (min lvl 12) +3 keen smite scimitar (min lvl 14) Would be an attractive weapon for a Cleric, FvS, bard, rogue etc... especially those which are valenar elves would seek out such weapons.

    Last edited by Emili; 05-23-2010 at 03:19 PM.
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  8. #28
    Community Member Lanuric's Avatar
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    Default I have an interest in the +1 Keen Smiting Scimitar

    If it is an RR weapon for lvl 10, Id be interested in it.
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