10-15 years ago....this would have been GREAT advice. But I wouldn't advise it today. Noone wins in a school fight. Schools have a NO Tolerence on these things now.
Take Kist's advice. I'd definitely get your parents involved. These are the things that good parents hope you avoid, but letting them know whats going on at school can only strengthen any bond you have with your parents.
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
True enough on the 'no tolerance' issue - some schools worse than others.
There have been several really good replies with different views/advice depending on what each poster has experienced, much of which has been geared more to helping prevent future victimizations.
With a parent and school authorities involved, I'm pretty sure the I-pod issue will resolve positively. (BTW, in MO $163 of value is a felony-level theft. With witnesses and probably video evidence, I wouldn't want to be in the bullies shoes today.)
Now if I were to guess, I'm betting on an after-school meeting with some parents, school officials, and maybe more...
While I would normally agree with this statement, I see no honor in dying over an iPod. If the OP's in a normal school and is being harassed by a normal bully, the worse that can happen is a beating. In such a case I'd say stand up for yourself (but be prepared to accept punishment from the school as a consequence.)
But if the OP's in a rougher area or the bully's not sane and there's a high risk of a confrontation seeing the application of deadly force, I'd say it's not worth it.
There are things worth dying for - an iPod is not one of them.
My verdict on humans is they should be eradicated from this beautiful planet.....if I still considered myself one I'd be the first in line.That's scary.It's true.......I will love the tree in my front yard more than I will ever love another being.
The tree gives me breath........while a person many times tries to take it away.
I honestly can't tell if you're serious or if you're trolling.
Such a view is self fulfilling: all people are awful and deserve to be wiped from the earth so you treat them accordingly, which leads to awful behavior.
You have been robbed. Pure and simple. It does not matter if it was in school and you are both minors.
1. Tell your parents.
2. Inform the school authorities
3. File a police report.
Attacking him will only make you liable for battery charges. Problem is, you should have done all this yesterday.
What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good any more?
Proud handler of Baldric, Melkazar, Clant, Mulray, Tirimon, Mallon.
Remember, if one of them falls off a cliff, it's actually my fault.
Amen, brother! While I respect the poster of the quote you refer to's right to a point of view, I wonder what it really means.
The worst atrocities ever committed were done so by people who felt they were 'more evolved' then those being wiped out.
I'm happy the poster won't be in the 'suicide booth' line but am concerned that it's implied that I should take a place.
Please write down the steps you took to evolve in such a grandiose and beautiful way before you commit the rest of us to the compost pile. Maybe we too could follow the path.
That being said I'm glad you like trees. I like trees. See, we have something in common after all
Last edited by phillymiket; 05-19-2010 at 07:07 PM.
Got iPod back.
Gave both of those two kids 2 weeks of jail sentence, they'll be writing their finals in jail.
Life is back to normal, charging it as I type this.
Thanks so much for the help guys, I feel way more confident and i'll think about taking the dojo training over the summer.
All in all, I feel good.
I got a restraint order saying that they can't be of 5ft near me, and if ANYTHING happens to me, both of them will get charged for assault and there life is just going to get that much worse.
Thanks so much guys, love the DDO forums
- Oh and office called the police and TWENTY people.. Count it, TWENTY witnessed and came to the office with me.. I feel more popular, screw violence.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Nah I doubt i'm going to get hurt just cause there friend got jailed for doing something wrong, people in my school and his friends might look shady but they mean no harm, they know that messing with me is jail time and school is almost over, I have a bubble around me saying "**** with me, your going to get facerolled by the police."
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
So.. Arrested, Lawyered (ya ya, not a real word), Judged, Convicted, and Jailed, and a restraining order all in the same day? What the heck country do you live in? Justice around here takes at least a month!
It sounds like you got a good crew of friends there, make sure they know how much you appreciate the support!
Any self defense training you can get is good as it'll boost your confidence in yourself. Most bullies will back down if you can stand up for yourself with confidence. Just don't be stupid about it and take on more than you can handle.
And finally, gratz on getting your iPod back, he add any good music?
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts. - Albert Einstein
Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge. - Leonardo da Vinci
I'm glad it worked out for you, LegitSai.
Although you did win this confrontation without physical violence (awesome btw), if you think you'd ever be down for it, I highly encourage joining a martial art if you've got some spare time to kill when you're not listening to your ipod. The confidence combined with your new experience in this situation will allow you to talk a bully down in the future. And, if someone ever decides to try to pay you back, you will have something to assist you if you tread the new waters of a physical confrontation.
Hopefully you don't have to come to the internet forum for advice in the future. You got enough enought street smart advice here in the last 2 days to feed 5 years of experiences.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Ok, here is the basics:
1. It is your IPOD.
2. By misappropriating your IPOD, he effectively stole it.
3. Stealing is against the law whether you are 15 or 50 years old.
4. The moment it happened, you should have said, "Look, it is my Ipod. All of these people witnessed that you are refusing to return an item that is mine. So you have a choice. You can return it to me or I can involve the authotrities. Which is it going to be?" The authorities in this case would be the campus cops and the principle.
5. He will call you a wuss and probably throw threats in your face. Do not respond. Send one of your friends to fetch an authority figure. At this point he will likely return the Ipod to you and go away for the day.
6. Do not bring your Ipod to school again.
7. Expect him to be a **** to you until one of you graduates.
Unfortunately, authority figures in schools are inconsistent in their approaches. The authority figure will either confiscate the Ipod until you can prove ownership (at this point involve your parent) or make the other student return it to you. The fact that you sent for an authority figure rather than taking matters into your own hands will sit well in their minds. Some of your friends--who are not really friends--will hang out with you less and some of your friends--who are really your friends--will respect you more.
Lava Diving Free Companion
Boliard • Orland • Bace • Falion • Racas • Gimak • Augite • Bitterpill • Lutav • Fanion • BellJar • Anoni • Debussy
I'm really glad you got the iPod back and it seems like things were appropriately dealt with. I'd been thinking about your situation all day!
I am glad you got your Ipod back. Hope you have a great summer.