Sounds like robbery. I would have called the police.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Ghallanda - Deltree (Rogue 11), Niecih (Cleric 14) Pemn (Barb 8), Ehseri (Sorc 3) - Blackmoor Defenders
If it were me, I'd be done negotiating at this point. I would definitely take (a copy of) the receipt, but not to them - directly to the Principal's office.
Remember - you have 12 witnesses who saw them take it. Your mistake was waiting this long to do anything about it.
Last edited by katana_one; 05-18-2010 at 08:18 PM.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
I don't really believe that hitting him in the balls wouldn't provoke him to attack me at any given time, easy solution, police or school officials such as my teachers or the principle, hard solution, nuke his face off. And ya, I was just out of my zone when that incident happend, and i'm probably a really big idiot who should be on for that, but to be honest, I think that my dad calling the cops and **** really got to him, if he had the nuts to take MY item, then I have the nuts to take my revenge on him by filing theft cases and again, 12 witnesses against 2 and some of his friends who obviously were never there and they'd probably take with them, sure one week of getting annoyed by all his friends and **** if I ratted him out, but either way, ratting is better then getting into any fight.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
I just might do that, but should I take the copy to HIM cause I see him early morning, not his friend, and I know him for a while now and he's a cool kid, didn't think he'd do all this **** for an iPod though, they probably had different intentions. But anywho, I was thinking making 2 copies, one to show him and see what he says, if he doesn't buy it then showing the principle and school officials and seeing what they say.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Please, please, PLEASE make sure this is a COPY of the original (leave the original at home) with any credit card information blanked out. If it doesn't work, yeah your dad's advice and police/authorities are the next steps. Discuss with your dad tonight regardless and make sure he understands your plan with the COPY of the receipt. Have him quality check your posture and how you are planning to do this confrontation.
While part of me agrees that taking the iPod back (or prohibiting the bully from taking it in the first place via dislocated elbow/arm and broken fingers) is the correct initial action, we're past that. LegitSai may have "messed up," but he's trying to get his rightful possesions back. The bully might not even bring the ipod tomorrow. He has to test the waters. Beating the kid up will only incriminate him if the ipod is not on the bully tomorrow. It's all circumstantial now.
LegitSai has something going for him: the bully's "accomplice" is scared and trying to talk the bully into bringing the ipod back and handing it over "provided" the ipod receipt is shown. This could be a show of force for the new kid -- it may be the only way he knows how to "validate" himself in his new environment. There are a lot of what-ifs here. If LegitSai can avoid making an enemy for the next 3-4 years, then the alternatives are better options.
Without a doubt, YES. Two copies. Testing the waters to see if he'll give you the ipod back tomorrow at this point with a copy cannot hurt you.
Heck, I bet you've even got the packaging back home with the receipts. If they need proof, it's all there. You've got the original. Make sure the copies are of a faded quality or on a larger-than-receipt sized piece of standard copy paper.
As long as you have the original at home, there is no harm in having the copies on you at school. Remember, black out the credit card info if you purchased it on any CC/DC. Don't modify the original at home.
That is currently my situation, right on point.
I don't think harming would be more of a use then just seeing what he says, then busting his ass to the office if things go wrong, I couldn't care less if i'm going to get trolled inrl by his friends, as long as I get my iPod back i'm fine.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Alright, I have 3 copies, 2 fake one original, when my dad gets home i'm going to tell him EVERYTHING and see if he likes my plan. And the packaging and whatnot, should I keep them at home and see what goes on tommorow or just take it with me and hide it somewhere in my backpack and show them if they require even more proof [Office, not the kids.]
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
I agree that the best course of action is to seek support from the police or the school. For future referance, either if you get a come back from this or anything similar happens in the future, just remember one thing.
IF it comes out on top,
IF there is no more room for negotiation,
IF he is deffiniatly about to swing for you,
try to get in there first. Theres no rules and fight like a rabid dog. Anything that dangles you grab, anything roaming near your mouth you bite and anything near your fist you drop in one go.
All joking aside, life dont change much and you meet bullies and tossers all the way through life.
Its better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
They didn't really want the reciept they where just trying it on with you. Trying to see how much they could get away with.
1) They had a lame reason to claim the ipod was theirs (his friend lost one just like that)
2) They where hoping you'd do nothing, some people do not keep reciepts.Therefore
in his eyes its a screwed up case of finders keepers.
3) If it hadn't have been yours it would have been someone elses.
4) Report these idiots because just like answer 3 unless they're disiplined by the authorities the bully will go from one victim to the next. Unfortunately they'll get an ipod one way or the other.
5) Make sure you get YOUR property back.
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Ressurection - Trillea's Str Monk <Leader, Ten Inch Unbuffed>
Yeah I agree with what you've said.
However, I think producing the copy of the receipt is at least worth a try. Sometimes kids just want to validate themselves by putting on tough guy acts.
I recall one time during my angst youth I had a similar situation in which a group of bullies was interested in me (there were multiple groups) because I had awesome fashion sense at the time and wore hammer pants and a fro. Oh yeah, was I a target or what? I also had to start Tae Kwon Do in order to prectect myself because of this, and that gave me the confidence to defend myself and keep my cool in intense situations.
Well, the one group of bullies got in my way and tried to man up on me, prohibiting me from going up a set of steps. I had enough confidence from my Tae Kwon Do training to sigh for a second, shrug my shoulders and say, "Guys, there are better things to do than stop me." I didn't tell them they couldn't stop me -- I told them stopping me was below them. I then shoved my way past 3 kids that were a year old and 20-40lbs heavier than my smaller self (and I actually was a big kid, so these guys were giants).
Well, the next week a different set of bullies that never let up on me were harassing me. And for some wierd reason, the "big kids" I pushed past the week prior stepped in and started shoving all of my attackers up against walls and asking them what's up.
Point is, sometimes kids do things to "appear" tough to the rest of the crowd. And sometimes you can make a friend by playing the game.
And if the game doesn't work, take it to the authorities. Right now there is no risk left in playing the game with a copy of the receipt.
Also, LegitSai -- don't bring the packaging. Keep that at home. Your rents can bring it in to the school office or you can bring it in the next day or take it to the police station if they need further proof along with the original receipt.
Go to the police. I find it highly unlikely that they will return the item in question. As an earlier post stated, they see you as an easy target. Allowing them to leave with the item likely solidified this impression. If you have 12 witnesses, then it should be relatively easy for the prosecutor to pursue this matter. Again, you need to go to the police as soon as possible before witnesses begin forgetting who did what, when, where, etc. You gain nothing by delay.
Man...I'm so glad I'm not in school anymore, and I'm glad I'm not on Khyber either
Ghallanda - Deltree (Rogue 11), Niecih (Cleric 14) Pemn (Barb 8), Ehseri (Sorc 3) - Blackmoor Defenders