Originally Posted by
Pfft...you get real........if you stop it at the $160 in high school then you stop it on a smaller scale. If you let it go you may be in for far worse.
Sorry..it's not the way of nature...it's the way of ignorance.
You do not have to be a bully to be strong and survive......but it does require you to be a moron.
When there is a cancer you destroy the cancer not the whole thing...unfortunately humans in and of themselves are the cancer.
They had there chances and have proven one thing and one thing alone....they excel at eff'ing up. If you want to think like an ignorant primate go ahead....I personally think humans devolved from something far more superior out of boredom than evolved into something superior from what was inferior.
Basically noone in this world has a right to even talk to, know, or approach you let alone bully you...people like this deserve the harshest possible punishment possible...and so do the people that feed them by not doing anything....all you do is make the people in this world that don't have their heads up their wazoo's lives harder...and quite frankly I don't think any of us want to deal with it. It's a waste of everyone's time and resources.
Take ignorance like this and throw them in cages where they belong...which btw.......the public school system is not far off from being.