+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
Hmm, no updates?
Anyway, glad the Dad was involved. Seriously, as I was reading this, I was shaking my head muttering "Stop being so stupid about this! A kid broke the law and stole something from you, and he probably wants to steal your receipt to say he "bought" it! Stop being so **** gullible and a push-over!"
Glad the dad put some courage in ya to do the right thing and go to the officials. This isn't high school drama - this is some bully trying to carve out his territory. Drama is some girl whining about some guy who doesn't want to be with her, to some other guy who would be perfect for her, but she isn't interested because he would treat her nice and she's too emotionally screwed up to be able to deal with that. THAT'S typical high school drama, NOT what the OP reported. What the OP said is a CRIME.
*steps down off the bully pulpit*
Would really love an update...
1. Never ever let anyone get to you, if you don´t stand up for your self you´ll be a easy target and people will know it.
2. I think 163$ is woth taking a hit for so you should´ve kicked his arse (or tried to when he stepped up)- and not given him the **** ipod.
3. When i was in school there were never any robberys. Bullys yes but no robbing.
You should, and learn from your misstake.
You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.
All of the above of course silly.
Honestly I consider myself part of a lifeforce...IMO...human beings are nothing but a bunch of snooty, egotistical, over-arrogant fools who mistakenly think they are the chosen species.....
yet you kill each other, ra** each other, carry disease and viruses like dogs because you neglect your health and fix it with your erroneous technology which further weakens the breed. Sure, humans are capable of great things....they are also capable of great atrocities that puts them far lower than a slugworm on the species list.
And don't get me started on how long they get to live....pffft...I would rather die young and pure than old and corrupt.
And I highly doubt a gorilla will ever come close to being as evil as a human being.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 05-19-2010 at 04:45 PM.
I hear you Chai. I would rather, if somehow you could, just inject 5 minutes of perspective and education into the thugs. They would instantly see that THEY are their own enemy, not the cops not the other gang.
Don't get me wrong, there are some places where I live that would shock you with how bombed out and blighted they are but that's no excuse. Like you said, go to Congo and sip on that for a moment.
Maybe my advice goes too far, but my buddy getting shot down like that was an eye-opener. There can be no half-measures in my book because people are capable of surprising and brutal behavior. Loss of freedom and future means something to all but the craziest people, which are much rarer then a 'thug'. School suspension means nothing. They probably are not going to graduate anyway.
The 'snitch' thing burns my blood. We had a thing a while back where even middle aged people were wearing shirts with a stop sign that said 'stop snitching' on them. I wanted to slap everyone wearing one. I was barely able to stop myself from approaching, seemingly reputable, stores and commenting on their choice to sell shirts that celebrate witness murder and intimidation.
I say snitch away. Snitch loud. Snitch often.
Last edited by phillymiket; 05-19-2010 at 04:49 PM.
Ever see the movie Armageddon....IT ENDED THE WRONG WAY!
You know what...my life is too beautiful to even be bothered with this cr**.......just take all these people, put them in the cesspool they belong in and let them rot........I'm sure they will make good fertilizer. This goes for the people who want to "correct" them too...because quite honestly...they are just the other side of the same coin.
I don't even know why I waste my time in threads like this......I admit.......and it sure is not worth discussing.....doggies chasing their tails.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 05-19-2010 at 04:59 PM.
afk hugging trees
Yeap, a good smirk when he threatens you will usually cause him not to attack you, and likely you can walk away without giving up your goods. No need to talk sheist, as this is what weaklings do to put up a front. Just smirk at him like youre annoyed. A good Qin-Na wrist lock also goes a long way. He can be 6 '7 " and 300 lbs and still go straight to the ground. Here's my iPod, [whump] "ow let go of my wrist" - The more he struggles, the more it hurts. No perminent damage happens.
It's actually a sad statement really. First off that you hold yourself above others, and second, there is always good to be found,no matter where you look. I can't speak for where you have been, but if you have seen some of the things I have, you might not be quite so bitter.
Yeah, when a wolf looks like a wolf and smells like a sheep, sometimes it has to prove its a wolf, and gets help from other members of the pack. Or as I outlined in my other post about dropping people who think they are hard core off in the Congo for a little vacation, you could show the pup what a real dog eat dog world looks like heh.
Or he can go the route of "the pen is mightier then the sword" and get the cops involved. They love this kind of stuff, and its usually a field day for them.
Way too absolutist. I prefer to reserve that kind of judgement for the individuals that require it. Actually the majority of the human race is fine. The issue is that 2% of the population has 80% of the wealth, and wealth = power to screw people over for more wealth. The rest of us are all in the same boat just living our lives trying to do the best we can with what we are given and taking advantage of opportunities when they arrise.