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Ok I know this community is very mature, and im sure all of you have gone through this at least at one point in your life.
This is my last resort to asking for real life help, but i'm sure some of you can tell me some good advice...
It started as a fine day, lunch started and were glad to be out of our boring seminars. As we come out we listen to our iPods, I recently purchased a new iPod Nano around 2 days ago and I am a diehard fan of it, ok so as we were listening two tall kids came around us, they looked intimidating and buff. As a high schooler you really aren't mean to be 6'1" and sort of.. Bullying kids who look weak. So these two kids come by, they say "Hey my bro here Chris lost an iPod the other day." Now I know this kid, he goes on my bus and we talk every now and then if not frequently, he's pretty cool with me. So he comes with this new kid, taller then him, around 6'4" and he rudely grabs my iPod and takes it to his clutches.. Now at this point, all my friends crowd around me, outnumbering him to around 12 and it's a big circle. We keep yelling at him and he finally said "Aight, you can have it back tomorrow when you show us the receipt if it really is yours." So at this point, they both leave, and i'm standing there... "What the 'ef just happened?" All my friends just say to bring the receipt and stuff and my girlfriend was like "Are you really gonna let him go?" And everyone said i'm not going to get it back... I felt soooooo trashy...
I felt afraid to even ask the campus guards...
Afterschool on the bus I met one of the two kids.. For around 12 minutes I was in a serious face, almost grim as if someone died and kept telling him that my dad would:
Call the cops
Call the principle
Come to the campus and ask him himself and make a big deal out of it with the campus guards
By this time, his ice broke, he was scared for his dear life right when I said cops... "Alright man, i'll TRY, wait not try, I WILL get it back to you tomorrow but just try to bring the receipt cause the other kid won't let me get it, just tell your dad not to go crazy, this was a joke but I didn't think it'd be this serious."
I know that he was scared after all this because:
His face CRUMPLED...
He actually called the other kid and told him to bring the iPod back
[Btw, my dad would NEVER do any of those.. He would either yell at me for being an idiot or at the most, call the school office for support...]
Ok but here are my questions to you guys...
What possibly could bringing the receipt tomorrow do for them? Usually I would think that they could take that and claim it as their own bought product, but again, i'm not sure.
What should I do next, because I still haven't told my dad about it, his reaction is going to be terrifying...
Thanks for all the help if you offer any, I hate these real life situations where you can't really get out but to BS the truth out of them...