I've been playing since beta and here's some things that I'd like to see:
1) Change bard AC buff to a group song. Currently, it's not useful and impractical.
1a) Add some unique spells for Bards. After level 14-15, if they're not a Warchanter, they don't have much value with the silly saves (Amrath) and blanket immunities (Reavers Refuge). The end-game is limited for Bards (similar to Monks).
2) The best weapons in the game are currently available at 14, yet the rings are only available so very late in the game. The Mindsunder stuff is terrible. It's got level 18 as a mininum and most of it is pure junk (even upgraded). This line of questing is pretty worthless due to this fact. You could have done much better DDO!
2a) The ring with level 18 minimum is dumb too. Nothing should be more than 16th level requirement. How much fun is something that only can be used for 2 or 3 levels?
3) Allow hirelings who cast to have quicken or other metamagic feats. They're useful with buffs, but worthless healing in the middle of combat because they are getting hammered. Keep improving hireling AI.
4) Limit Froobs (free-to-play) to a fixed number on each server. Start a Froob-only server if needed for the masses.
5) Give VIPs something useful over Froobs. Instead of putting everything on the DDO Store, give froobs a few extras that are tangible and enjoyable. Examples might include:
- Allow dungeons to be opened on elite immediately
- Discounts on DDO Store or in-game items like hirelings, pots, wands, scrolls, etc.
6) Change the XP requirement on True Reincarnation. The gap to achieve TRs in crazy. Why not a simple 10% more XP required per TR. Instead of 2 million xp to cap, make it 2.2. I think more people would TR and it would be more enjoyable. Currently, even the first TR in tiresome and tedious to say the least.
7) Keep improving AI and fix the bugs that are still there from the last 3 mods. Fix the lag! The game loses its fun if players can't perform as expected.