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    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Default no-healing curse: visual indicator

    I had the unfortunate and absurdly expensive task of healing a tower of dispair the other evening. we had 1 person on Horoth, many people on Suulomades and I was healing both groups for lack of another cleric willing to drink mem pots.

    yea me.

    I wasted so much mana trying to heal people who were cursed. now, I realize, awesome solution #1 would be for people to get their own curses. let's just short curcuit that discussion and accept that the vast majority of people playing this game can't handle that task. if I had some sort of visual indicator on their health bar that they were in fact cursed, I could solve that problem too, or yell at them, or yell at someone else to fix them. anything would be better than wasting a prescious heal timer on someone who won't benefit from that.

    so, suggestion: put some little icon or something on health bars indicating that they can't be healed.

  2. #2
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chester99 View Post
    I had the unfortunate and absurdly expensive task of healing a tower of dispair the other evening. we had 1 person on Horoth, many people on Suulomades and I was healing both groups for lack of another cleric willing to drink mem pots.

    yea me.

    I wasted so much mana trying to heal people who were cursed. now, I realize, awesome solution #1 would be for people to get their own curses. let's just short curcuit that discussion and accept that the vast majority of people playing this game can't handle that task. if I had some sort of visual indicator on their health bar that they were in fact cursed, I could solve that problem too, or yell at them, or yell at someone else to fix them. anything would be better than wasting a prescious heal timer on someone who won't benefit from that.

    so, suggestion: put some little icon or something on health bars indicating that they can't be healed.
    The big circle over their head and the icon on the buff bars not getting it, huh?

  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    The big circle over their head and the icon on the buff bars not getting it, huh?
    A cleric healing a bunch of melees cannot see the icon on the buff bar, and the big circle might be anyone's in the group (up to 11 people all piled on). How does the cleric know which one is cursed?
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by chester99 View Post
    let's just short curcuit that discussion and accept that the vast majority of people playing this game can't handle that task.
    Or are not allowed. Barb rage BS! Or Madstone rage.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by chester99 View Post

    I wasted so much mana trying to heal people who were cursed. now, I realize, awesome solution #1 would be for people to get their own curses. let's just short curcuit that discussion and accept that the vast majority of people playing this game can't handle that task...

    so, suggestion: put some little icon or something on health bars indicating that they can't be healed.
    There is your problem. People should be taken to task for NOT being capable of taking care of this curse (certain raging barbs excluded or course). It should be made very clear at the start of ToD (or shroud) that you need remove curse pots and you need to be on top of this yourself. It is totally unreasonable to expect your healers to fix this for you when a simple potion (costing less than 900 gp) can remedy the problem. If a player is not capable (or willing) to handle this theen they are not ready to do these raids.

    So what can the poor and abused healer do about this?
    Well, nothing good. You can let them die. In PUGs (the only place this should be occurring to begin with) this will probably result in a few failed raids. But let these people fail and get frustrated a few times. Harp on them about taking care of their own curses and it should eventually set in. In the long run people will better understand the importance of this vigilance and things will run smoother. Pain now, pleasure later.

    IMO, the last thing you should do is waste your money and resources trying to keep up with these imbeciles. Yes, it will probably cost you a few failed raids, but wouldn't you prefer to fail a raid and still have your mana pots, as opposed to finishing a raid with a bunch of morons (who will now expect the same care from you next time!) and short 10+ mana pots?

  6. #6
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linenoise2 View Post
    There is your problem. People should be taken to task for NOT being capable of taking care of this curse (certain raging barbs excluded or course). It should be made very clear at the start of ToD (or shroud) that you need remove curse pots and you need to be on top of this yourself. It is totally unreasonable to expect your healers to fix this for you when a simple potion (costing less than 900 gp) can remedy the problem. If a player is not capable (or willing) to handle this theen they are not ready to do these raids.

    So what can the poor and abused healer do about this?
    Well, nothing good. You can let them die. In PUGs (the only place this should be occurring to begin with) this will probably result in a few failed raids. But let these people fail and get frustrated a few times. Harp on them about taking care of their own curses and it should eventually set in. In the long run people will better understand the importance of this vigilance and things will run smoother. Pain now, pleasure later.

    IMO, the last thing you should do is waste your money and resources trying to keep up with these imbeciles. Yes, it will probably cost you a few failed raids, but wouldn't you prefer to fail a raid and still have your mana pots, as opposed to finishing a raid with a bunch of morons (who will now expect the same care from you next time!) and short 10+ mana pots?
    hi, welcome.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chester99 View Post
    now, I realize, awesome solution #1 would be for people to get their own curses. let's just short curcuit that discussion and accept that the vast majority of people playing this game can't handle that task.
    That's somewhat true, but it's the fault of the game rules, not the ability of the person playing. Due to a foolish mistake by the developers years ago it is impossible to use a Curse Removal potion while under Barbarian or Madstone Rage, meaning that to get your own curses means taking a serious reduction in offensive DPS and survivability.

    But aside from that it would be just fine if health bars changed color if a character was immune to healing, whether by a curse or from using Pale Master undead form.

  8. #8
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lithic View Post
    A cleric healing a bunch of melees cannot see the icon on the buff bar, and the big circle might be anyone's in the group (up to 11 people all piled on). How does the cleric know which one is cursed?
    In the raids I run in, the heals are centered on the tanks generally, with individual catchups thrown out from time to time. Everyone is told to get their on curses, except for tanks and barbs. In the case of barbs arrangements are made beforehand. A caster type may throw out break enchantment (I think that is right) occasionally, but it is expected that you take care of yourself. Dying a couple of times will generally get the point across. I always have a plethora of remove curse pots on me at all times. Feel free to speak up if you do not have any. Someone will help you out. This is an issue only if you allow it to be. You should not feel responsible.

  9. #9
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    That's somewhat true, but it's the fault of the game rules, not the ability of the person playing. Due to a foolish mistake by the developers years ago it is impossible to use a Curse Removal potion while under Barbarian or Madstone Rage, meaning that to get your own curses means taking a serious reduction in offensive DPS and survivability.

    But aside from that it would be just fine if health bars changed color if a character was immune to healing, whether by a curse or from using Pale Master undead form.
    Please, not color..............

  10. #10
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    Only barbs should be not getting their own curses. Its not a huge loss (yea, its a loss, but not that horrible) for people to not madstone. If you figure an average max of 2-3 barbs per run, they can just say "<insert name> is cursed" and someone (maybe the caster, or possibly another melee with curse pots, probably the caster) can just pop it off. Problem solved.
    Madstone is nice, but survivability is nicer.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombiekenny View Post
    Madstone is nice, but survivability is nicer.
    Madstone = hitpoints = survivability.

    Plus, if Suulomades or Judge is cursing more than one player it means you're doing it wrong. Only the one player with the most aggro should be in front of that monster, with the rest behind out of his reach. All it takes is one person to mess it up and put the monster in the wrong place, so when you see people making this mistake say something about it!

    If players are fighting Suulomades with proper techniques then Madstone is a net benefit.

  12. #12
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Madstone = hitpoints = survivability.

    Plus, if Suulomades or Judge is cursing more than one player it means you're doing it wrong. Only the one player with the most aggro should be in front of that monster, with the rest behind out of his reach. All it takes is one person to mess it up and put the monster in the wrong place, so when you see people making this mistake say something about it!

    If players are fighting Suulomades with proper techniques then Madstone is a net benefit.
    well, since this thread must be derailed...

    do not madstone while fighting horoth. yeah, I know, you've got this awesome timing mechanism and some cloaks and scrabs and probably other awesome things to avoid being banished. you're going to get banished. keep your boots of anchoring on.


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Madstone = hitpoints = survivability.

    Plus, if Suulomades or Judge is cursing more than one player it means you're doing it wrong. Only the one player with the most aggro should be in front of that monster, with the rest behind out of his reach. All it takes is one person to mess it up and put the monster in the wrong place, so when you see people making this mistake say something about it!

    If players are fighting Suulomades with proper techniques then Madstone is a net benefit.
    In raids when you know the people, yeah, in PUGs where someone can screw it up for everyone its a lot safer to not madstone than to madstone. You a nice chunk of hitpoints, yeah, but you should still have more than enough to keep aggro unmadstoned without issues, hence madstoning for hitpoints shouldn't be necessary.
    If you were talking a guild raid, or a raid where you know most people, so you know people aren't going to be causing extra people to get cursed at bad times, then yeah, madstoning makes sense, in a pug, its better to be safe tahn sorry. If you need the extra hitpoints from madstone to be safe then you need more of a buffer anyways.
    Last edited by Zombiekenny; 05-17-2010 at 05:16 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Many other MMO's have a UI feature that allows one to see the buffs/debuffs of the other players in his/her group or raid.

    And yes, I am insinuating that Chester is a hermaphrodite.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    But aside from that it would be just fine if health bars changed color if a character was immune to healing, whether by a curse or from using Pale Master undead form.
    I think this would be a simple and elegant solution to this.
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  16. #16
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DareDelvis View Post
    Many other MMO's have a UI feature that allows one to see the buffs/debuffs of the other players in his/her group or raid.

    And yes, I am insinuating that Chester is a hermaphrodite.
    I'll pm you a pic.

  17. #17
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    I think this would be a simple and elegant solution to this.
    except it is a virtual certainty that they would choose a color I can't see...

  18. #18
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    I hate to say it..but for the most part i let them die.

    Rarely need all the peeps to complete and if they cant be bothered to watch for the curse why should i.
    Area heals for the win.
    Word of Recall for when there is no win.

    Btw how did the rest of the raid go? Since part one seems to have gone swimmingly.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by chester99 View Post
    except it is a virtual certainty that they would choose a color I can't see...
    Actually i would say it is a certainty they would specifically pic a color you cannot see.

    I know they are out to get me...and it makes sense they would be out to get you as well.

  20. #20
    Founder chester99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorz View Post
    I hate to say it..but for the most part i let them die.

    Rarely need all the peeps to complete and if they cant be bothered to watch for the curse why should i.
    Area heals for the win.
    Word of Recall for when there is no win.

    Btw how did the rest of the raid go? Since part one seems to have gone swimmingly.
    I guess I wasn't clear that we were fighting Horoth in the Tower of Despair part 3.

    for those of you unfamiliar with the quest: if any person dies, Horoth regains most (and usually all) of his life in the time it takes to raise that person. this can push the raid on for hours, assuming you had a healer willing to drink 1000 mem pots...

    and for the record, we won. and I thank my guild for making my pot consumption less painful. good work guys!

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