I have a Wiz 7/Rog 2 Drow about to level and im not sure which class to take.
I want to take Wizard, Ranger, Fighter or Rogue.
I play like a Rogue always sneaking and scouting ahead but will hold back and cast spells in big fights. Also use bows/crossbows fairly often but mainly I have a spell penetration dagger and damage weapon equipped.
I use all the self buff spells I can and the rest are crowd control and firewall.
I have not had much problem getting traps so far.
Spells are landing pretty well.
Main problems are my hit points are to low and my melee to hit is not that good.
Str 14
Dex 21
Con 12
Int 22
Wis 9
Cha 11
AC 27
Hit Points 69