Does anyone who has good Eberron lore know if there are any info about Valenar family or surnames? I could not find any info. Thanks
Does anyone who has good Eberron lore know if there are any info about Valenar family or surnames? I could not find any info. Thanks
Last edited by technoshaman; 05-17-2010 at 12:27 PM.
Here's a thread on this forum:
Here's the section:
Aerenal and Valenar names tend to use the same patterns. Vowel sounds tend to predominate, with fewer consonants. Common names include Belareth, Tezaera, Syraen, Aeren, Allais, Dailan, Kylaer, Maellas, Thalaen, Vylae, Fianan, Kaelan, Lia, Niath, Shearan, Tairil, Thail, Vaelas, Vaelin, Xael (elven names don't tend to distinguish between male and female).
Khorvaire Elves, those who no longer consider themselves part of the Aerenal or Valenar nations, tend to use the same conventions as well, though their names are often shorter and have some distinction between male and female names, though there is some overlap. Example male names include Aesha, Daellin, Marrath or Tellian. Some female example names are Innae, Paela, Phaeani, Sailla or X'ennia.
Those are first names not family/surnames., big difference. Anyways i got my answer from Mr. Baker himself very quickly too.
Doh!!! I totally missed that section when I scan my copy.Page 19 of The Player's Guide To Eberron discusses this, giving a few of the Aereni lines: Melideth, Jhaelian, Mendyrian (the line of the current Sibling Kings), Tolaen, and Dolorenthi. Other examples of Aereni lines can be seen in the families of House Phiarlan and Thuranni, who were after all once Aereni: Phiarlan, Shol, Tialaen, Elorenthi, Thuranni, and Paelion. Some of the Tairnadal lines mentioned so far include Vadallia, Taeri, Jennaris, Threnell, Phasha, and Shal.
Last edited by technoshaman; 05-17-2010 at 12:58 PM.