Battle priests -vs- Nanny healbots, take 4.
You guys are lazy. There should at least be two more new threads on this same topic by now.
OMG here we go again...
No, clerics weren't meant to be tanks, but they can swing a sword, hence (and we seem to have this argument once a week now) the reason people should learn to be self-sufficient. A cleric isn't JUST a healer, and they DO like to hit stuff, just like your average tank. So if your party cleric is out smacking something around and you are low on HP, maybe pot, or let them know, they are NOT baby-sitters!
... TS spine yesterday - there are 2 FvSes in the party and they're looking for a cleric. i'm on a bard and send them a tell saying i can heal. i get asked 'but can you heal an entire raid?'. As the star was one of the FvSes i tiptoed away from that one.
so anyway that group went off and another TS lfm goes up 5mins later - this time by a lvl 7 FvS. i get into this one (lvl 11 bard and the lfm was for 8-12... really not sure why they wanted to do this). takes AGES to fill... until there are 2 spots left and we have me, and 2 FvSes (and some pallys and rangers who could probably heal if they wanted but maybe not if they're new and poor). but our star lvl 7 FvS decides that no... we need *two* clerics as our remaining spots. er um? lol. ok... so i'm half afking while we fill so wander off for 10mins... come back and a large number of the party has dropped and others joined such that we have 2 FvSes, me and.... 3 clerics. LOL. Fortunately a barb with a clue joins. We go in on hard. Very odd TS. Very grateful to that barb who joined and gave us all clear directions.
So yeah.... spin off thread... FvSes should heal? LOL
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Hey, I was in that first group and the FvS actually mentioned about a bard and healing, which would have been you by the look of it. Neither of the FvS were healing specced, so he wanted two clerics to heal as well. In the end, he got two, we ran it, one of the clerics got stuck in the water and dropped group, the rest of us cleaned up and finished with little trouble.
I just wish people would run spine without worrying so much about 'needing' a particular class. 12 of anything can pretty much do it so long as they know where they are going or can follow instructions.
I think it took at least 20 mins to fill this group. I really wanted that 25% xp bonus![]()
I don't think I would have had any problems solo healing that 'raid'. It's just the leader's comment sent off alarm bells. Glad you made it without any issues. How funny they asked.
I ended up afterwards doing elite VON3s getting killer xp which was cool.
I think it's just a matter of new people understand their class and other classes maybe? I know that I'm still finding out what other classes I haven't played can do - and when I do find out I can play in a team much better with thosse other classes as I know what they can do and will adjust to what I see them doing.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Even your edit seems to be about clerics not doing "their role" as support or healers.
The real problem lies in the fact that most people put up "lfm cleric or FVS" which you get,a person playing either of those classes and doing what they want,which is not healing you or anyone else for that matter.
You always put up "looking for healer" and you will get one if they wish to join.
I get the whole vet mantra of 'any class can be self sufficient' but it doesn't apply to everyone. Specifically, newer players. In addition, it really lowers the effectiveness of players who are normally self sufficient that join a group and have to pick up the slack for those who are lacking in funds, equipment, and experience.
Cleric/fvs are the sole classes that can bridge that gap of non-vet'ness. This is by design.
I doubt there is anyone out there who has made it to tried and true vet status (not the favor ranking, but player experience) who has never once had to rely on the cleric stereotypical role to complete a quest/raid or has done every quest where a stereotypical cleric was purely an optional group member.
Its all fine and good if someone wants to play a cleric that never heals anyone, even themselves, so long as everyone they group with really understands this. But there really is no reason for this (minus an empty SP bar) since a cleric can't swap out the default healing spells.
Finally, if you are going to join a group, either agree/notify ahead of time if your playstyle is not common or don't join the group if you aren't going to contribute based on your skills and the way the group needs them. In other words, if the group needs heals and you have the strongest healing capabilities, guess what? It is your job to heal. Don't like it, drop the group so they can get someone who is willing to contribute in the way they need.
So the basic message the OP was making is, "New players, learn your basic roles and contribute to your groups accordingly!"
Closed at request of OP.