01 Wizard, Mental Toughness & Maximize
02 Cleric
03 Cleric, Empower Healing
04 Cleric
05 Cleric
06 Cleric, Zen Archery
07 Cleric
08 Cleric
09 Fighter, Weapon Focus Ranged & Point Blank Shot
10 Cleric
11 Cleric
12 Cleric, Bow Strength
13 Cleric
14 Cleric
15 Fighter, Rapid Shot & Manyshot
16 Cleric
17 Cleric
18 Cleric, Toughness
19 Cleric
20 Cleric
That would be my take on it... Stoneskin wand usage, Flame Arrow wand usage... granted you do get Many Shot a little late, but I figured it was important to get you to the point where you could take Radiant Servant II in time to boost your healing so that you could *maybe* be raid viable at healing.
As a 32 point elf...
13/15/12/8/18/8 spread at level one. You'll need at least a +2 DEX by 15th. Highly suggest you get as high as possible tomes for STR/CON/WIS as you can. Even without a tome with the 2 fighter levels the class enhancement +1 to STR and a +6 STR item (or for that matter Divine Power) gives you a 20 STR score.