I love repeater rogues, I loved watching them just lay waste to all the mobs back when the cap was 12. So with U5 giving Mechanics repeater proficiency, I couldn't help but design this.
Version 3
With this third version, I've wanted to see what a Halfling would look like. The Health is a little lower then where I wanted, but its still a respectable number for an evasion character I suppose.
It could be argued that the monk splash is fairly useless for this build. Since it doesn't give much of an AC bonus. But I looked at it with the all or none mentality this time. I'm not going to hit the magic numbers of a proper tank, so I'm not going to focus on it. And I turned my attention to DPS, hence the Halfling option.
I did plan it Tome heavy, and I suppose not all the tomes are really needed. But As I have them I'll be using them.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Neutral Halfling Male (2 Monk \ 18 Rogue) Hit Points: 246 Spell Points: 0 BAB: 14\14\19\24 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 25 Will: 12 Starting Ending Abilities Base Stats Base Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) Strength 11 13 Dexterity 19 26 Constitution 14 16 Intelligence 13 15 Wisdom 11 13 Charisma 8 8 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3 +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7 +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7 +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7 +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7 +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7 Starting Ending Base Skills Base Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) Balance 8 31 Bluff 3 20 Concentration 2 3 Diplomacy -1 -1 Disable Device 5 25 Haggle 3 20 Heal 0 2 Hide 4 10 Intimidate -1 -1 Jump 0 1 Listen 0 2 Move Silently 4 10 Open Lock 8 31 Perform n/a n/a Repair 1 2 Search 5 25 Spot 4 23 Swim 0 16 Tumble 8 31 Use Magic Device 3 22 Level 1 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot Level 2 (Rogue) Level 3 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Rapid Reload Level 4 (Rogue) Level 5 (Rogue) Level 6 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot Level 7 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness Level 8 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Weapon Finesse Level 9 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Power Attack Level 10 (Rogue) Level 11 (Rogue) Level 12 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Improved Evasion Level 13 (Rogue) Level 14 (Rogue) Level 15 (Rogue) Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Cripling Strike Feat: (Selected) Precise Shot Level 16 (Rogue) Level 17 (Rogue) Level 18 (Rogue) Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot Feat: (Rogue Bonus) Skill Mastery Level 19 (Rogue) Level 20 (Rogue) Enhancements: Rogue Damage Boost I, II, III Rogue Skill Boost I, II, III Rogue Fire Trap Lore I (lore needed for Mechanic Pre) Halfling Dexterity I, II Halfling Cunning I, II, III Halfling Guile I, II, III Racial Toughness I, II Rogue Mechanic I, II Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I (took as fluff) Rogue Sneak Attack Training I, II, III, IV Rogue Disable Device I, II, III Rogue Open Lock I, II, III Rogue Dexterity I, II, III Monk Wisdom I Rogue Improved Trap Sense I, II
Zomg you noob, why'd you put points into swim you say?
Well.. I'm preparing for Epic Gianthold. Do you want to be the want doing epic crucible It may not help in the slightest.. but so many skill points and so few worthwhile skills
Zomg you noob, why'd you put points into bluff you say?
Since Bluff is good for getting attention of 1 mob, its there when to get the attention of 1 mob really easy. The way my guild has done Judge/Jailer a few times is have a FvS drop a BB and kite the Judge up top, the tactic works but it takes a while to get the Jailer out of there. Bluff could help here for example. Or, When I'm soloing and I want my sneak attack damage
Equipment will look something like:
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Gilvaenor's Necklace*
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
Trinket: Bloodstone (Head of Good Fortune doesn't hurt when doing traps)
Armor: Icy Raiment
Cloak: GS Smoke II, HP Item
Wrists: Ventilated Bracers
Belt: Mechanic's Belt
Ring 1: Gilvaenor's Ring*
Ring 2: Ring of Deftness
Boots: Epic Dustless Boots or Epic Firestorm Greaves (with GFL augment)
Gloves: GS Trip Neg Immunity Gloves (T3 Evil Guard) & Slay living guard
* Arcane Archer set gives +10% Ranged Alaclrity, Assuming that means it will effect Repeater speed. Combine with Rapid shot & Reload. I'm thinking Yummy Attack speed.
* The current gear lay out doesn't slot a Wis +6 item, or a Str +6 Item. Probably easiest to put it on one of the ToD rings.
Weapon 1: GS Radiance Heavy Repeater (as per Jiipster's great suggestion, though unless new end game content is released that isn't immune to fire damage, this may not be the optimal set up of the GS item)
[Flaming (1d6), Good Burst (1d6/3d6), Sunburst (2/day), Flame Blast (1d10/4d6), Radiance (4d6 + Blindness on crit)]
Assuming my math is correct, you should be seeing 49 - 138 (53 - 142 with Enhancement) damage per bolt. + -2str on non immune mobs
2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 1d6 (flaming) + 1d6 (good) + 1 (force rit) + 4d64 (radiance) + 4 (Dmg Enhancement, 20sec), on non bosses also + -2 Str (Crippling Strike feat)
On a non Vorpal Crit (17-20), you'll be seeing 118 - 279 (126 - 287) per bolt, + -2str + Blindness
(2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 6 (bloodstone))x2 + 1d6 (Flaming) + 1d6 (good) + 3d6 (good burst) + 1d10 (flame blast) + 1 (force) + 4d6 (radiance) + 4 (Dmg Enhancement, 20 sec)
On a Vorpal strike (nat 20), it becomes 124 - 293 (132 - 301) per bolt, + -2str + Blindness
(2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 6 (bloodstone))x2 + 1d6 (Flaming) + 1d6 (good) + 3d6 (good burst) + 4d6 (flame blast) + 1 (force) + 4d6 (radiance) + 4 (Dmg Enhancement, 20 sec)
Weapon 2: GS Lightning II Heavy Repeater
[Shock (1d6), Good burst (1d6/3d6), Chain Lightning (3/day), Shock Blast (1d10/4d6), Lightning strike (~2% chance of ~600 on hit)]
So again, Assuming the math is correct. You should be seeing 45-114 (49 -118 with enhancement) + ~2% chance of ~600 per bolt + -2 str damage per hit where not immune.
2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 1d6 (shock) + 1d6 (good) + 1 (force rit) + 4 (dmg enhancement, 20sec)
On a non vorpal crit (17-19), the damage should be around 110 - 255 (118 - 263) + ~2% chance of ~600 + -2str
(2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 6 (bloodstone))x2 + 1d6 (shock) + 1d6 (good) + 3d6 (good burst) + 1d10 (shock blast) + 1 (force) + 4 (dmg enhancement, 20sec)
On a vorpal strike (nat 20), it would be 116 - 269 (124 - 277) + ~2% chance of ~600 + -2 str
(2d8 (weapon) + 9d6+26 (sneak attack) + 5 (power attack) + 6 (bloodstone))x2 + 1d6 (shock) + 1d6 (good) + 3d6 (good burst) + 4d6 (shock blast) + 1 (force) + 4 (dmg enhancement, 20sec)
And whatever else you feel you want for weapons.
Base 10
Dex 14
Wis 2
Size 1
Armor 5
Protection 4
Dodge bonus 4
= 40 Standing AC
Barkskin pot 3
Shield pot 3
= 46 AC With Pots
Bard Song 4
Paladin Aura 5
Recitation 2
Barkskin 5(only +2)
Haste 1
= 60 Buffed AC
Uncanny Dodge 6
= 66 AC fully buffed.
Funny how not actually try to get AC, of all the renditions this is the highest max so far.
With Tougness & Enhancements: 246
Con item(s): 60
Greater False Life: 30
Favor 10
Shroud Item 45
Minos 20
= 411 HP
As I said, lower then what I'd like (~450+), but for an evasion character it should be fine.
Disable Device
Ranks @ 20: 23
Ability Mod: 2
+5 Tools: 7
Feats: 1 (If Skill mastery taken)
Enhancements: 3
Mechanics PRE: 4
Mechanics Set: 15
Ventilated bracers: 3
Greater Heroism: 4
Head of Good Fortune: 2
Total Modifier: 68
If This Rogue Guide is correct still. And Epic Von 5 needs a 90+ Disable DC, this build will need some tweeking prior to trying to disarm traps. with only a 67-88 disarm check possible.
Open Lock 75, Search = 51, Spot 49 (all calculated with gear listed above).
Thoughts, Comments, Suggestions?