Yeah great game so far, played for a few days, one HUGE problem with you guys.

Monk + Favored soul: 1590 pts... $19.50 = 1550 pts
$19.50/1550pt = $.1258/pt .... 1590pts * $.1258 = $20(+3/10 of a cent)
Rip off? I think yes...
This says one thing: "We are going to make you pay more than you want."

Get rid of the bull **** token system for purchasing from the DDO store. Cursing is justified here, i don't care if it offends anyone, it properly gets the point across.

If i want to buy 1 thing, I only want to pay for that one thing. This point system drops you guys down to the level of "Korean power grinder" because all the south east asian mmos use this same **** system to rip of customers.

If you aren't willing to drop the token system, let us choose how much we buy to the single digit. you can scale your "bonus" to the amount, the equation will take 1 min to create based off of your current data.

The funny part is you will make more money if you don't make people overpay, because more people will buy things if they don't have to overspend for that one thing they want.

Other than that gj

Yeah, and i don't care if there is already a topic about this, or if there are a lot of topics about this. If either of these are so, the point needs to be brought across stronger. So there is no need to waste you time telling me so.