Man Khyber, I miss those veterans.

It's been around 3 - 4 days since I found a diehard veteran willing to follow orders and do objectives as directed.

Every group I join either has a new player who we obviously try to help as much as possible and they follow us around as we say, but the disheartening part is, some veteran comrades decided it would be fun to always zerg ahead and not care about the rest of the group and get their ass handed to them.

Your not a 'effing level 20 anymore, your a Level 6 and you should get that into your head before charging a bunch of CR:10 mobs.

The new players are fine, I love helping them out as much as I can but I truly wish that veterans would show more respect and be a good role model for the future DDO players. It almost seems as if a veteran with twinked out gear runs into a party, the new player follows them around because of the shiny gear and when the veteran messes up the new player does too and this follows on onto his future runs.

It's almost like a big brother to little brother ratio, if the big one does drugs and alcohol then slowly the little one would get the same influence.

All i'm saying is that, veterans need to step up their game and start accepting the fact that this game became free and their will be so many MMO jumpers who join and it's up to YOU veterans to actually show them the do's and don'ts.

Oh and I hate how veterans thing it's funny to mislead a new player, over the advice chat, a new player would ask for an information on crafting or some dungeon, and the veterans thing it would be funny to give a wrong answer and watch them screw up hours of their hard spent time. It's not right.

Well, just wanted to get this out there, derep, do whatever makes you feel "Pro", but just know that there are thousands of people joining and gaining interest in DDO monthly and it's going to be way more populated then you'd ever imagine, so either a community like WoW whose veterans are all stuck up morons or a community where everyone is fair and un-biased, your the answer to DDO's community future, so it's up to you...

- Sai