The general idea is simple: in the past a thrower build was never going to do much of anything. needing dex for ab and str for damage, you are either going to have to sacrifice ab or dmg or both. You might be able to get by with sneak attack rogue type of thrower, but anything else would be dps light.

But thanks to:

Brutal Throw
Prereqs: +1 Base Attack Bonus, 13 Strength
Benefit: You can use your Strength bonus instead of Dexterity bonus to determine bonus to attack with thrown weapons if it is higher.
Special:This feat can be selected by fighters as a fighter bonus feat.

now you can simply pump up your str and forget about dex altogether. Combine quick draw and rapid shot for some alacrity bonus and you are starting to get somewhere... maybe.

So any thoughts about a decent thrower build using this?

I worked up a kensai halfling thrower, but could only get the dps into the "just ok" range when getting sneak attacks and benefiting from halfling guile.

I won't bother y'all with the actual build but the dps looked something like:


1d8 base greensteel returning axe
4 - greater weapon specialization
3 - halfling thrown weapon damage
2 - fighter weapon mastery
2 - kensai mastery
10 - 30 base str, (requires +3 tome, otherwise this is +9)
2 - rage spell/potion

23 - 30 base dmg excluding elemental dmg etc.

4 - power surge
1 - madstone rage
12 - halfling guile

= 40 - 47 (+4 19-20 x3 on crit)

Now granted I could have very well missed something up there and there's also going to be other dmg types on a min II greensteel or radiance II weapon, but even with all of that the damage looks underwhelming to me. The main upside here is you get a *lot* of haste boosts in there, plus the 10% alacrity on the capstone, so you can have about 40% alacrity most of the time.

Now moving on to monk, I think there are some more interesting possibilities. Air stance will cap out at 25% alacrity, and 10,000 stars increases it to 50% (or does that stack with the 25% to get to 75%?). So you can get a machine gun thrower going with shurikens. the damage per blow will be low, but due to the massive volume of fire, you will maybe possibly average out respectable dps.

From there you can look at rogue throwers from the perspective of str based. the alacrity will suck on this build but the dps with all the str *and* sa dmg would be rock solid.

Finally we have rangers, who's ranged capstone reportedly works with thrown weapons...

Anyway, I'm too lazy atm to actually work up #'s for those 4 routes, but what say the lot of you? any chance of a viable thrower with that new feat?