what is to be the best race to be for a tempest ranger
what is to be the best race to be for a tempest ranger
Human makes good versitle builds, they often are STR based and use Khopeshes
Halfling makes good DEX based builds, they get good Sneak damage from guile, they often use Rapiers
Elf can be a STRbased or DEX based, often use the Scimitar or the Rapier
Dwarf are usually STR based, they often use the Dwarvan Axe
Drow.. meh.. if you did end up being Drow, use Rapiers.
Warforged makes good STR based, prolly uses Khopeshes.
As you can see, pretty much every race can be viable for a Tempest Ranger, it just depends on your playstyle and what race you prefer
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
Pick the race you like and build to it's strengths. Great thing about ranger is that any race is good. At moment I'm building a Halfling splashed rogue/ranger tempest stealther with halfling thrown weapon enhancements, and he rocks. Elf or Drow ranger if you want to build finesse/dexterity, or add bow enhancements to your build, Human as posted above. Basically there's no best race, unless you are building a min/maxed dps tempest, and then there are plenty of posts in forum on how to go about this. However, frankly in my opinion this is wasting the versatility of ranger class. Really depends on how you're going to play. But you're unlikely to pick a wrong class when playing ranger. Only class I haven't built a ranger with is warforged, but i don't build warforged characters.
Last edited by habanaman; 05-17-2010 at 10:27 AM.
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