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Bards: CC, FIght, BUff, Heal
Three types of Bards:
1) Spellsingers: Tend towards CC, BUff and Heal
2) Warchanters: Tend towards melee, and buff
3) Virtuouso: - barely anybody plays these - probably tend towards CC? Go either way?
Spellsingers and Watchanters are generally in greater need.
Str: Is used to determine your ability to hit and to damage.
Cha: Is used to determine your ability to land CC spells.
Con: Is used to determine hps.
Dex: Is used to pre-req for twf feats - probably too difficult of a 28pt new player build (you need to get 17 as well as being able to pump your other stats).
So, decide what kind of bard you want to be, CC or Melee, and build around that primary attribute (i.e. melee bard = high str and level ups into str). - try to start with a con of at least 14 regardless of what type of bard you are. Personally I think Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings are all better than Elfs, but up to you.
You need to take feats according to whether you went melee or CC.
General Feats (wanted by both):
Extend, Toughness, Empower Healing or Maximise is nice (often can't be fitted onto the melee builds)
Melee Feats:
Weapon Focus (needed as a Warchanter pre-req), Power Attack (also a pre-req, but a good feat), Two Handed Fighting - regular, improved, greater, or Two Weapon FIghting - regular, improved, greater. Exotic weapon prof: khopesh is nice on melee TWF builds that can fit it. Improved Criticial.
SPell Casting Feats:
Spell Foc Enchant - normal and greater, Spell Penetration - normal and greater, Heighten.
A CC build needs to stay pure for the benefits a bard gains at 20 (the capstone).
A Melee Bard often splashes fighter levels in order to gain extra feats, and rogue levels for evasion, sneak attack and trapsmithing. However the Bard/Fighter/Rogue is probably beyond the means of a new player (Bard 18 Fighter 2 might be nice).
Realise a level one Bard Spell, Master's Touch gives you proficiency with Two Handed Weapons.
I have avoided giving you a build, but hopefully that gives you enough info to make some informed decisions.