First, I say bard "build" because I'm really not looking to see a template laid out 20 levels ahead of me. I personally don't see how they are of any help. Being told to take some enhancement that you have no idea what it does or what it is for at level "x" doesn't make much sense to me. To be honest, I also don't have the resources, time, or cash to ensure that my character will have a +2 tome for every skill at 7th level. (I can barely afford the +1s for a single skill).
That said, I'm trying out the bard class. Why? I like the idea of spells and my woeful attempt at a wizard taught me that I like a little melee here and there. I also don't mind healing, so I figured...try a bard.
I have veteran status (4 level) and have unlocked the 32 point build. I've chosen Drow as my race as I've heard they get a "bump" with CHA.
STR: 10, DEX: 15, CON: 14, INT: 14, WIS: 10, CHA: 18.
I've "toyed" around with my enhancements, picked my spells, and I feel "gimped" already.
From little I know now, Bards have very select weapons. I don't see or feel I'm on track for finesse fighting and certainly my STR isn't going to do much for me.
In retrospect, I was thinking of starting with two levels of Rogue and then switching to Bard. Not sure how that hurts me. As for help: traps, THF, evasion.
Oh...what do I want to do with this guy (almost forgot that part!). I'm okay not being front line/melee fighter. I would like to be able to skirmish somewhat and not be a complete wimp. I'm okay with healing and tossing spells here and there.
Any advice would be appreciated. This won't be the best bard ever, it'll be a learning experience for me so I'm not looking for perfection. I do feel my stats are "wrong." They feel wrong. Please advise.