You get along with budget gear (although, to be honest the gear this build needs isn't pricey at all. A triple positive LS only takes 2 large scales, you can get that from just running the shroud normally. The other difficult piece is the DT armor, which isn't pricey its just luck. You don't even need a particular sovereign rune. And that's going to get a lot easier to deal with in a few days with the runes getting identified. If you go the extra mile, epic gloves of the claw are definitely not budget gear) but whether or not you will enjoy it is questionable. Your survivability, especially once you get the amps you listed, will still be awesome in groups, but you will be a lot more reliant on outside healing. Solo ability is where the budget gear will kick you the most, As that difference in the amount you can self heal will be enough that you won't be able to survive a number of things on your own. Particularly, there is the difference of you will be healing 2 or 4 hp per swing, compared to 4 or 8 hp a swing, in combination with the lessened healing ki.
Of course this all depends on your play style and what you will consider fun. In any case I would tell you to go for it anyways, because really, the amp gear isn't that hard to get, you should be able to get it without any input from other characters even. The LS is just a number of shroud runs, and the DT, all you'll have to do is run Prey on the Hunter and either you will pull the 20% amp rune, or someone else in the group will get it that doesn't need it, and you can trade them your pull for it. The 10% amp rune will be ridiculously easy with the update, just turn in 50 draconics once or twice for you choice of a rune and you should be sure to get it that way.