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  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamma View Post
    The original Solar Phoenix build was based on Kamas:

    You'll even see an earlier post on this thread where a guy was complaining of spending a lot of time getting his dreamedges, only to see the 'build' change.

    The drawback of that original build was the damage from kamas was a little weak. But it was workable before. Saving the two feats for longswords means

    a) two more toughness feats
    b) not having to hit a monk stance every time you log in.
    c) You'll get to look silly waving around two garden tools all the time.
    d) you'll get to do less damage, all the time (1d10 17-20x2>>1d8 19-20x2; in the case of your offhand healing amp weapon 1d10 17-20x2>1d8 19-20x3, holy+good burst>>>>>>maiming, and who needs vampirism when your healing curse is curing you 4-8 every hit?)

    The dream edge is a light weapon, so you could use that (and other kamas) in your off hand, making the OTWF feat useless and therefore swappable.
    Yeah, to me it seems that I would be best off taking the whirling steel/longsword path and not worrying about the otwf, thats one extra feat, and no need to grind/clean an extra gs longsword, I have dream edges for almost every situation at present (about 15, even a vorpal one which is unsuppressed on my capped monk though) and the 30% healing amp was pulled on elite for those that were asking.

    The 4 advantages of using it offhand seem:
    1.The lesser vampirism will stack with light healing?
    2. X 3 crit
    3.No otwf needed
    4. Only one gs longsword needed.

    Also is this build viable as 12ranger/6monk/2whatever?

  2. #162
    Community Member Dyakki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamma View Post
    This build uses all 6 stats. 5 if you throw UMD out the window. And 2 of those stats require +2 tomes. Doesn't align with your criteria at all. This build is also very gear intensive, which doesn't align well with newer players.

    As tempting as this might be, I'd really pass on it if I were you. Otherwise, Aylin's breakdown is good. 15/15/14/8/8/14. Keep in mind you'll need a +2 dex tome by level 14 (for GTWF), you should acquire a +2 charisma tome by level 14 as well (for Divine Might II). You'll need a wisdom +3 to +5 item to throw spells (you need wisdom 11 to throw 1st level spells, wisdom 13 to cast 3rd level spells).

    Also, you are underestimating the 'somewhat weaker' part. Not due to stats, but due to gear. Half this build's healing amp is derived from gear that can only be obtained at high levels, that will require many hours of play time to assemble the ingredients (unless you get really really lucky). A TR would presumably already have the items made/assembled (they can be worn at a much lower level than can normally be made).
    Well, I'll try it. I like a challenge, but I hate the way this game is set up in that you can't just roll with someting right off the bat. Constant rerolling is not fun to me, but eh, it's a free game, I'll get up there eventually.

  3. #163
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    I guess I was wrong about Finger Necklace. It isn't exactly healing amplification. The bonus must be a unique "Fleshmaker" bonus.

    What is a good item for the trinket slot for this build? I was looking at Litany of the Dead, but I'm not sure what the penalties would be for equipping it. I equipped a chaotic weapon on my Monk and he only suffered -5 HP, -1 to-hit, and -1 saves. If that's all, equipping Litany on a paladin would be more beneficial than harmful. The result would be +1 damage, no to-hit change, +1 to all saves, and +15 HP.

  4. #164
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoasterHops View Post
    Yeah, to me it seems that I would be best off taking the whirling steel/longsword path and not worrying about the otwf, thats one extra feat, and no need to grind/clean an extra gs longsword, I have dream edges for almost every situation at present (about 15, even a vorpal one which is unsuppressed on my capped monk though) and the 30% healing amp was pulled on elite for those that were asking.

    The 4 advantages of using it offhand seem:
    1.The lesser vampirism will stack with light healing?
    2. X 3 crit
    3.No otwf needed
    4. Only one gs longsword needed.

    Also is this build viable as 12ranger/6monk/2whatever?
    The GS weapon doesn't require cleaning. 12 ranger/7 monk/1 whatever is very similar, you're just swapping some minor differences around (Favored enemies, bow feats, more offhand hits, actual skill points vs. more healing amp, exalted smite, better resistances, etc).

    The biggest thing is you're losing that 20% healing amp from HotD 2, but getting more offhand hits from Tempest 1/2 and more character versatility.

  5. #165
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    I guess I was wrong about Finger Necklace. It isn't exactly healing amplification. The bonus must be a unique "Fleshmaker" bonus.

    What is a good item for the trinket slot for this build? I was looking at Litany of the Dead, but I'm not sure what the penalties would be for equipping it. I equipped a chaotic weapon on my Monk and he only suffered -5 HP, -1 to-hit, and -1 saves. If that's all, equipping Litany on a paladin would be more beneficial than harmful. The result would be +1 damage, no to-hit change, +1 to all saves, and +15 HP.

    If you have Mantau's goggles, then LotD. Otherwise, Bloodstone.

  6. #166
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    For a 34 point build, what would be the best setup?

    And how do epic gloves of the claw fit with this build?

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaldan View Post
    For a 34 point build, what would be the best setup?
    Plan out your gear before you try to answer that question. There are enough options for obtaining +1 exceptional bonuses and +7 stat items that you may want to start with an odd stat. For this build, I would suggest starting with about 16 str, no less than 15 dex for TWF, and about 14 con. The other stats are secondary and can be adjusted to fit.

    And how do epic gloves of the claw fit with this build?
    If you have another 30% healing amp item, they won't stack. I would wait and see if those gloves get changed. A dev posted that some of the new items may be placeholders for more powerful items. They also may perform a balance pass on these new epic items. Those gloves don't have +15 intimidate, which makes me think they will be changed. Lately, most epic items have been changed to +15 skill bonus.

  8. #168
    Community Member Jamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khaldan View Post
    For a 34 point build, what would be the best setup?

    And how do epic gloves of the claw fit with this build?
    As currently implemented, the epic gloves of the claw would replace the offhand healing amp longsword, allowing you to use a better weapon while still maintaining a 4.01 healing amp.

    Or you could then use the offhand weapon for a 10/20 healing amp longsword, allowing you to switch out the DT armor for different armor.

  9. #169
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    have not really read every page. is there a an AC breakdown, or is AC something to be ignored on this build
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  10. #170
    Community Member Diyon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossiza View Post
    have not really read every page. is there a an AC breakdown, or is AC something to be ignored on this build
    If you try very hard you can get decent AC on this build, but honestly I don't find it worth it and just grab whatever AC bonuses are convenient and don't get in the way of other stuff.

  11. #171
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    Default yeah yeah yeah i know im a little late

    Last edited by Shigura; 08-22-2010 at 09:34 PM.

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    Those gloves don't have +15 intimidate, which makes me think they will be changed. Lately, most epic items have been changed to +15 skill bonus.
    The gloves have an Enhancement bonus to Intimidate, which will stack with the Competence bonus other items grant.

  13. #173
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SolarDawning View Post
    Shintao Monk 1 will provide the build with alternate ways to activate Healing Ki, and to do so quicker as an emergency heal.
    Quote Originally Posted by SolarDawning View Post
    Feedback is not only appreciated, but welcome.
    How does Shintao benefit the healing? Seems like a waste of 2 feats to get a prot from evil ? Is it the 5 ki cost light move ?
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  14. #174
    Community Member Quijonsith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossiza View Post
    How does Shintao benefit the healing? Seems like a waste of 2 feats to get a prot from evil ? Is it the 5 ki cost light move ?
    The original intent was that you'd be able to spam 3 different light moves rapidly so you could activate healing ki faster. Problem is the prot from evil isn't registering as a light move (bug) and the smite is on a 30 second cooldown.
    Baaldon Draggins: 20 Halfling Monk; Krigen Skaptero: Monk Healing Amp Intimitank

  15. #175
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    Might be beneficial to turn tho 2 feats into metamagics (empower healing / maximize / quicken [2 out of the 3]) and use paladin spellcasting inbetween finisher for emrgency heals.

    Cure Moderate 2d8 + 10 = lets say 20 ( for a nice rounding) (Edit: I forgot the spell dice are loaded, so 20 is actually the minimum)

    Maximize (quicken) = 40
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 86
    86 * 4.01 healamp = 344

    Maximize + Empowered = 50
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 107
    401% heal amp = 429

    Maximize + Empowered + Empower heal (cant that even stack) = 60
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 129
    401% heal amp = 517

    Turns blue bar into red bar pretty effectively, just requires some blue bar management.

    Your concentration will also be maxed for ki, so quicken might be avoidable, and if you fail the Moderate, hit the light for 5-8 less inititial heal and you are again turning some blue into alot of red.
    Last edited by rossiza; 08-23-2010 at 06:43 AM. Reason: loaded spell die
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  16. #176
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rossiza View Post
    Might be beneficial to turn tho 2 feats into metamagics (empower healing / maximize / quicken [2 out of the 3]) and use paladin spellcasting inbetween finisher for emrgency heals.

    Cure Moderate 2d8 + 10 = lets say 20 ( for a nice rounding)

    Maximize (quicken) = 40
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 86
    86 * 4.01 healamp = 344

    Maximize + Empowered = 50
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 107
    401% heal amp = 429

    Maximize + Empowered + Empower heal (cant that even stack) = 60
    +40% Paladin Devotion IV +75% Superior Ardor 3 potion (115%) = 129
    401% heal amp = 517

    Turns blue bar into red bar pretty effectively, just requires some blue bar management.
    Mine (which is currently only level 12 due to too many characters and not enough time) has actually been getting along fairly well with Fists of Light and CSW potions when that isn't enough. I currently have 196% healing amp, 216% if I can get the +10% healing airship buff.

    But yes, all three of those metamagics stack.

  17. #177
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    My 15/3/2 has empower heal and extend. Currently 11/3/1 with 2x heals with guild buff. Cure Mod Wounds hits for over 100. The highest heal ki crit I have had was ~160-180. Until shintao gets fixed I would saw the metamagics would be a good choice.

  18. #178
    Community Member rossiza's Avatar
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    First off +1 to OP for a well thought out feat progression.

    I tried to tamper to fit in some metamagic or even past life cleric and its hard! Even when switching classes around (and loosing the awesome rogue bonus starting skill points), and trying to do all the possible monk feats at the bonus times.

    My idea is to switch luck of heroes (level 1) to OTWF. Which means at lvl 6 I can use 2 x longswords with no negatives.

    Then level 2, a toughness instead of stunning fist (would only ever use fists on skeletons who are immune and DC's are pointless on cross class)

    Then level 12 go for IC: Slash (6 levels earlier).

    Level 18 pick up maximize for cure moderate.

    Which means 22hp bonus, earlier bonus use of dual longswords without penalty, earlier IC and some potent SP to HP conversion.

    For gear I am thinking Conc goggles instead of Tharnes when taking hits (sneak bonus doesnt really help then either), Tharnes for when not soloing, raids etc when not using mana to self heal much.

    It's going to be my cleric TR so I will have torc too, can switch in for lots of self heals when soloing with cure mod.

    I did an AC breakdown which i wont bother to post, but could not really get over mid 75's (Raid buffed with a bard even sacraficed DPS) so think the focus is on HP.

    Being a single TR I would have 34 pts, but 1 extra turn undead (DM II use). Instead of 16str I woud start at 14 with 1 extra con, then instead of using human bonus in dex would shove into con for another 20 extra HP)

    So 1 less to-hit, 1 less damage, 44 extra HP, maximize on cures, no shintao, extra DM II.

    The other option is to drop the extra 1 con and have 2 int for more skill points (mostly if I wanted more trap skills) but I have no desire to be uber trapper.

    Would be nice if I could work out how to put the cleric past life feat in. Same hp benefit as Light finisher (5x per rest).
    Last edited by rossiza; 08-23-2010 at 10:49 AM. Reason: spelling
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  19. #179
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    Im currently playing a version of this, main change is 13 levels of monk and 6 of paladin instead of 7/12. Not sure if its better or worse, but I wanted that monk leap ability and then at 13 I get spell resistance which can be a little useful sometimes. Im also using handwraps, since Shintao gives extra stuff for unarmed. I guess I will get 10% less healing, but I should do a little more DPS.

    Im only level 4 though, but it works well so far

  20. #180
    Community Member Mister_Peace's Avatar
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    I got to 19, used a LR to pick up the feats for longsword.
    Unfortunately myddo is broken so you can't see the character. mostly as written in OP, except only 32 points

    I really enjoy this character, although it seems the rogue level could be better spent on Paladin. UMD has not been as useful as I first thought, and I didn't have the build points to take DD and Search.

    At 20, with Monk 7, I'll be at 3x heal amp wielding triple-pos longsword, as I don't have a DT made yet.

    I plan on getting the Claw gloves and replacing the longsword with Min2.
    One could certainly craft a pair of Min2 swords, one Acid 20 Healamp and one 10 Healamp Acid, but this seems a big sacrifice for 4x over 3x healing.
    Quote Originally Posted by havokiano View Post
    you are boring. And you rosik a lot. bye.
    Quote Originally Posted by suitepotato View Post
    With the amount of facepalming we do, it's a wonder DDO players have any noses left.

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