I've got a lvl 17 human longsword-using paladin that I had planned to go defender and tank build with and got bored so i reincarnated to be palamonk when i heard monks would get longsword, which has put me right at the end game with a similar build.
she's currently 14/3 pala/monk and my end build will be 14/6 paladin monk. I'd recommend that folks seriously consider that as an alternative for one simple reason: Zeal. self-casting 10% stacks-with-everything attack speed boost. in wind stance II with g2wf and zeal the attack speed is amazing. being able to summon her own weapons is pretty cool too.
Also, comparing hotd II to kotc I've found that the healing bump for hotd is barely noticeable. and it's kind of a pain because it requires a bunch of non-essential enhancement points on a build that's already very short on enhancement points. as soon as my 3-day timer is up I'm respeccing back to kotc for more damage.
just my 2 cents. cheers!