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This will date me but back in high school my latin teacher(yes I went to a high school in the 80's where latin was taught) would tell us all the time that comparisons are odious(hateful).
I have been reading several different forums, mostly things that look interesting or play a factor in my char development but I have noticed that a lot of people want to know what does more damage, casters or melee, what is the best build,who is the worst healer. I understand the need for people to measure themselves against their peers but truth be told I never discuss the specifics of my charachters because I dont follow any build plan. A lot of veteran players will say "That will gimp your toon, or you are missing out on doing something really cool". If I am happy with my toon development and I play it to the best of my abilities and most of all if Im having fun isnt that the important thing. Actually let me correct that... its the only thing, this is a game people its supposed to be fun, investing so much time and effort into comparing yourself to others is ridiculous. I will be the first to admit I dont always know what I am doing but I hope for any of those folks on Khyber that I have run with the one thing they can say is I dont take it too seriously and they enjoyed having me in their group/guilds. I have become familiar with a lot of great people in this game and I thank each and every one of them for all the help and fun I have had over the last couple of years.
Just needed to get that off my chest I hope there are others who feel this way and if you are trolling around on Khyber and you find me posting a group or looking to join yours I wont be the most tricked out buffed up build on the planet but I will make the best of it and be a good party member.
Toons are Xirth (18 wf wiz), Xirthtrix (9 human fighter), Xirthax (5 drow paly TR)