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  1. #1
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default glitch in myddo lottery eligibility

    For the "warrior" lottery I noted that my FvS was eligible, but my Cleric was not. Since both Clerics and FvS can be spec'd for battle, both should have been included in that category

  2. #2
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    I've had a couple people mention some anomalies with the Warrior Lotto. Looking for more info to help with troubleshooting. Can I please get the following info from those who had this issue:

    - Name/server of the character you tried to enter that should have been eligible
    - Is the character's MyDDO page info accurate to what they are in game? (showing correct race/class, correct level, correct gear within the past week)
    - Have you ever had difficulty with that character not reporting info correctly to their character page? (quest activity not showing in log, incorrect level-up info, etc)
    - Have you had any trouble entering them in any other lotteries that they should have been eligible for?

    If you're anonymous and don't want to respond to the thread you can send the above info as a PM to me. Thanks for your help!

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