I'm having fun with metalwalker 16sorc/2pally/2rogue, and he's becoming my favorite and perhaps main character if I ever acquire some decent gear on him. He's basically your typical DP junky with no DC spells, with equal capability of nuking (maxed spell damage enhancements), self-'lay-on-hands' (quickened recons). With the torc + concop, you can go nearly infinite sp especially if you slap on a DoD + shield.

Thanks to Tukaw (khyber), Razorlips (argo), and Paradime (argo) for the many ideas and great builds that help power out what I am today. I've tried 16/2/2 wiz/fighter/monk and enjoyed it. The Tukaw 16sorc/2pally/2rogue has faster casting, more sp, higher sp pool, super saves, but I'm starting to think again about the wiz/fighter/monk builds. The huge feats due to 2fighter+2monk+4wiz class feats will allow you to take a TON of toughness feats, without sacrificing DPS. I've tried the THF, ITHF, GTHF line for these battlecaster and here's my advice: NOT WORTH IT. You are primarily not the main DPS of the party, and since you have no rage/frenzies/powersurge/hasteboost, your glancing blow DPS is not very impressive. I feel that the THF, ITHF, GTHF feat to be a waste. For the THF dps, most of it comes from Power Attack anyway, and that is what you basically need. Let the barbs/fighters splash their glancing blows on mobs. I personally think Paradime's TWF 16/2/2 build has the most dps since burst effects from TWF add up, especially for lower STR battlecaster, THF may not be an ideal choice. However, with the eSoS, and potential to fight at 44STR (rage+yugo sustained), THF becomes the best DPS option currently. WF power attacks also helps in that. By being THF, you are freed from 4-5 feats (TWF, ITWF, GTWF, Khopesh, OTWF), and these can be taken as toughness bumping up your hp by another 150+. Practically, you would not need 7 toughness, but as a completionist character, you will have no problems to hit, or need any other feats but whatever you're lacking, feel free to drop toughness and acquire what's needed.

So here's an interesting completionist toon that i've conjured. Once I'm done with his concop (45hp item) + min2 + lightning guard (CHA+6 sp item), I'll start work on completionist. Here's just a general idea on how crazy a battlecaster can get if on the completionist route (note that I am not claiming he's good at dps etc, he definitely cannot compare to a tricked out DPS or even scarier a completionist DPS but he definitely holds quite the punch).

Level 20 Lawful Neutral Warforged Male
(2 Fighter / 2 Monk / 16 Wizard)

REINCARNATIONS (stating only relevant features)
3 Fighter (+1 to hit)x3
1 Pally (5% heal amp)
3 Barb (10hp)x3 (might just do 1 Barb, does not seem worth it to grind a month for 20hp)
3 Monk (+1 damage)x3 (worth it for THF)
1 Rogue (+1 sneak damage)
1 Ranger (+2 ranged damage, +2 elemental resistance, can anyone confirm if this stacks?)
1 Cleric (nothing)
3 Wizard (+2Spell penn)x3 (super for otto's, debuffs/waves)
3 Sorc (+1 Evocation spell, +20sp)
1 Bard (+2saves v.s enchantments/illusions)
3 FvS (+1spell penn, 20sp)x3

In all honesty, I would PRACTICALLY be doing the Reincarnations as:
3Fighter, 1 Pally, 1 Barb, 1 Monk, 1 Rogue, 1 Ranger, 1 Cleric, 3 Wizard, 1 Sorc, 1 Bard, 3 FvS

STR (18+5lvl+3tome+7item+1enh+3exc+1lit+2com) 40
DEX (9+3tome+7item+1lit+2com) 26
CON (17+3tome+6item+2enh+3exc+1lit+2com) 34
INT (14+3tome+6item+2enh+1lit+2com) 28
WIS (6+3tome+6item+1lit+2com) 18
CHA (11+3tome+7item+1lit+2com) 24

HP: 709
3x10 = 30 (barb TR)
20+64+16+20 = 120 (base+class)
7x22=154 (toughness feats)
5x10=50 (toughness enhancements)
240 (CON34)
10 Draconic Vitality
20 toughness item
40 GFL
45 GS

(Buff: 40
20 yugo pot
20 rage pot

Grand Total HP: 749)

Spell Points: 2198
16x12x9 = 1728 16 wiz levels@28INT
20x3 Sorc past life
20x3 FvS past life
200 Archmagi
150 Shroud GS

Self-buffed Intimidate: 66
29 ranks
02 completionist
07 stat
15 item
03 Persuasion
06 Shroud GS
04 GH
(If barb past life's HP gives 20 instead of 5, I'll take this over toughness, Giving +2x3=+6 more, for a grand total of 72, very capable of locking epic queen)

Self-buffed UMD: 43
16 ranks
02 completionist
07 stat
05 7FG
03 Persuasion
06 Shroud GS
04 GH

Self-buffed Fortitude: 38
18 base
12 CON34
4 resist4
4 GH

Self-buffed Reflex: 32
13 base
9 INT28
4 resist4
2 Shroud exc dex+2
4 GH

Self-buffed Will: 25
13 base
4 Will18
4 resist4
4 GH

Otto's Irresistable Spell Penn:
16 Caster level
3 FvS past lifex3
6 Wiz past lifex3
3 Greater Spell Pen VIII (DT armor or Bracers of Glacier)

Ideal Gear (good luck maybe when I'm dead!)
Weapon: min2greataxe, Epic SoS (craft +6 INT, Good)
Armor: DT +5 resist/corrosive salt guard/Disintegration guard, DoD
Head: GS 45hp concop
Bracers: GS CHA+6 sp lightning guard
Boots: GS guard item, Firestorm Greaves
Trinket: Litany
Goggles: Tharnes Goggles/Mentau's Goggles
Belt: Epic Belt of Moronan (+7STR, toughness, heavy fort, craft GFL)
Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves (+4 to hit, 7DEX, ghost touch)
Cloak: Cloak of the Silver Concord (+7CHA, Persuasion, craft +4 resist?)
Ring 1 & Neckalce: Shintao Set (+3exc CON, +2 damage, +2 to hit), Epic Torc
Ring 2: any +3exc STR (warchanter maybe?)

Starting Feat/Enhancement
Base Skills Modified Skills
Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
Balance 3 21
Bluff 0 5
Concentration 7 31
Diplomacy 0 5
Disable Device n/a n/a
Haggle 0 5
Heal -2 2
Hide -1 4
Intimidate 2 29
Jump 8 15
Listen -2 2
Move Silently -1 4
Open Lock n/a n/a
Perform n/a n/a
Repair 2 7
Search 2 7
Spot -2 2
Swim 4 11
Tumble 3 8
Use Magic Device 2 16

Level Progression: M/F/11W/M/2W/F
L1: Insightful Reflexes
M1: Toughness

F1: PA
L3: Completionist, W1: Maximize
L6: Toughness
W7: Extend, L9: Toughness
M2: Toughness
L12: Toughness, W10: Quicken
L15: Toughness, F2: IC: Slashing
L18: Toughness
W15: Empower

Level 20 (Wizard)
Enhancement: Fighter Haste Boost I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements III
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Force I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Force II
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Force III
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements III
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Force I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Force II
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Force III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II
Enhancement: Fighter Strength I
Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I
Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II
Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack I
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack II
Enhancement: Warforged Power Attack III

In general, you have a 40 STR 34 CON (unbuffed, SUSTAINED-BUFFS: 44STR 38CON with yugo + rage pots) intimitank (66 feasible intimidate) with good saves and Evasion that wields an Epic SoS slapping opponents and hitting them back with guards/fireshields while intimidating (depending on guards, you can setup for 30-60 damage per hit excluding the ticks from corrosive salt, crushing wave, distinegration etc). As much as the perfect DPS outdpses this little battlecaster by far, this is one of those builds that when it has survived the completionist route and gear-grind, can hold its stand against a tough mob without relying on heals. As much as the perfect sorc nuker outdpses this little battlecaster by far, he is far from useless without his sp, and does not require a constant blue bar to be efficient. All fire/ice/force/repair is specced out to deal as much damage as a typical caster (except for sorcs with capstones). A quickened 45sp recon + DoD + concop + torc would give you infinite sustainability as long as you don't get swarmed/tripped/brokened DoD/debuffs. All those intimitanks out there which need to depend on BOTH AC and Intimidate and can't afford to self-heal themselves can bow before this little battlecaster. This build wants zero AC so guards are an easy source of extra dps, while the party hacks away unharmed.

By the time I gear him up to this stage,
1) I would probably have quit DDO
2) DDO2 would be out
3) tons of new gear is out that perhaps outdates this post/goal

Remember, it's a hypothetical fun post, but I'm somewhat serious about completionist (not the full x3 for each class, but probably just x1 for each class)