I’ve currently planning towards TR my Soc/Wiz to a 20 Human FvS getting +1 Evo DC and +2 Spell Pen (in addition to +1 DC for Wiz PL if I choose)
After sifting through the forums for different build (I found Impaqt ’s Evoker build and Superior Soul thread very helpful) I’ve thinned down to 2 options
Pure Evoker Build
Str 14
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 18
Cha 14
Feats (Taken in this order):
Extend/Maximize/Wiz Pastlife/Toughness/Heighten/Quicken/Empower/Spell Penetration
Two Weapon Fighting Build
Str 14
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 18
Cha 11
Feat (Taken in this order):
Extend/Maximize/Toughness/Empower/2WF(after +2dex tome)/Quicken/Heighten/Wiz Pastlife
I have leveled a 20Cleric and currently leveling a 17 FvS (which is due to be TRed to WF Sor), I enjoy playing both as a pure evoker build,
2 problem I had with those are they started as low STR build, so:
1)Leveling to 11/12 is rather painful via solo/pug
2)Cant efficiently deal with large group of archers/caster that won’t run around in BB, especially when you need to open doors/levers
Hence I’m trying to add some melee capability in the current build.
As I’m unlikely to found static group, hence would mostly rely on solo and PUG, ease of leveling is essential
(I would really rather not spend cash on Exp pots if I can help it)
Questions I have:
I think my main tactic would be to kite stuff through BB and finish off things with melee
How much more/less efficient does the 2WF build have over the non-2WF build? Would it require a change in tactic to focus more on melee?
I’m planning to craft a Holy, +3 Ext Wis Min2 long sword before I TR
If I’m going to 2WF build, I’ll be looking for a Sup Pot 6 long sword (how hard to found are those?), else a heavy mace.
I assume the offhand weapon would not deal a lot of damage, hence is the extra swing offered by I2WF really that useful? (as bumping dex to 15 and a feat is rather expansive)
Which bring me to my next question, currently, as I see it, the reason for 2WF is so that I can swing a Min2 with reasonable AB while also holding a Sup Pot 6 weapon. Is that true?
Or would that Sup Pot 6 Long swords be contributing decent amount of melee DPS
If it is true, wont I be better off with a Sup Pot 6 dagger (to lessen the penalty for oversized weapon in offhand)
Any particular long sword I need to look out for before I can get my hand on GS at level 12?
Any other recommendation in general?
Accumulated gears:
Con Op Goggle (blind/Disease immune, 150SP, Cleasnsed)
Reaver’s Napkin
Spectral glove
VOD Glove
TOD boots
selection of amrath belts
Silverflame talisman
Bunch of DT runes that I’ve yet to use up
Working towards other stuff with semi static guild/group
Any other particular GS item should to craft before TR?
I’m planning for a EPIC VON belt (I have shard and seal) and EPIC VON helm (have seal and scroll)
+5 Resis, +6 CON, Imp Spell Pen 8 on DT robe
GS 150 SP Con Op goggle
GS 45HP GS earthgrab ???? (any suggestions?)
Spectral Glove/Reaver glove/VOD glove
Torc/Sup Pot 6 neck
NOTE: I’m about 2 month away from TR this toon, as I have others in line for TR first (TR Barb->Barb take priority, followed by the FvS->Sor I’ve mentioned above)
But I’d like some feedback so I can plan ahead first
Thanks in advance