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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New player looking for advice

    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...

  2. #2
    Community Member Thelmallen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...
    The beauty of DDO these days is that you can solo most of the content due to dungeon scaling. This allows you to experience the game at your own pace and also means your learn the quests much much better than you would if you're trailing along in the wake of a group of vets zerging through it.
    -=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
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  3. #3
    Community Member lazyninja81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...
    I think it depends on the people in the group. Personally, I have no problem running quests with 1st timers with unoptimized toons. As a casual player myself, there are lots of higher level quests that I am not familiar with yet. But so long as you tell people up front when you join a group that you're new to the quest, most people don't mind. Just be sure to listen to suggestions from the more experienced folk and let someone who has run the quest lead the way. Again, can't speak for everyone but that's been my experience.

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  4. #4
    Community Member JustWinBaby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...

    Most people are more than happy to help you out, as long as you are willing to learn.

    That is the key, experiences players don't like helping newbies out, if the newbie isn't going to listen at all.

    You could solo if you want to, but in my opinion, this game is built upon partying. I've had MUCH more fun partying (guild or PUG) than running anything solo.

    Do what you want though as long as you have fun, enjoy.
    Ghallanda - Deltree (Rogue 11), Niecih (Cleric 14) Pemn (Barb 8), Ehseri (Sorc 3) - Blackmoor Defenders

  5. #5
    Community Member DANTEIL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...
    In my limited experience, I would say that you probably shouldn't make quick judgments about these things based on what you read here on the forums, which tend toward certain extremes in play styles. While it is definitely true that soloing unfamiliar quests is a great way to learn at your own pace, I would also agree with the other responses here that, as long as you indicate up front that you are new, and also as long as you avoid groups with LFMs that state things like "know the quest" "zerg run" or "no hand holding" etc., you'll find that most players in-game are perfectly friendly and accommodating toward new players who listen and show an willingness to contribute and learn the quests.

  6. #6
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    thanks for the responses
    i am a cleric and worried that if i dont have the right spell for a quest people will not be happy

  7. #7
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    OP: The forums aren’t the in game reality of DDO. 99% of the stuff you read here is a rage induced post rather than an honest analysis of players. And usually, the ragepost says way more about the poster than anything else.

    To try and answer your question though... I would suggest that you take the initiative and try both. Each is a different playstyle and will teach you a lot about your character. You will find each class has “expected roles” in a party and “unexpected roles” that show up while soloing. I also suggest you try this on each of the classes. You’ll be amazed at what the each class is capable of.

    As for Veteran players… IMHO I think they’re more interested in having someone who can follow directions than having a character who’s decked out in all the “uber leet gearz”. I also think that when they explain something, and it fails, that the anger is more internalized because they failed at being a teacher. (YMMV, offer depends on personality and temperament of the vet in question.)
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
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  8. #8
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    OP: Regarding being a cleric and your spell selection...My first toon was a cleric. When I was running a new quest, I simply asked the group, "Are there any particular spells I should have?" The beauty of playing a cleric is you can swap out as many spells as you'd like at any rest shrine. Just be sure you always have enough spell components!

  9. #9
    Community Member Rasmus's Avatar
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    OP: Personally, I avoid the forums at almost all costs. The few posts I have posted got me burned at the steak or was completley ignored. On the other hand, when I do group with people, I swear, the people on Sarlona Forums, and the people who play are two different groups of people.

    As mentioned before, just simply mention that you are new and do not know the quest. Most everyone, will cut you an amazingly large amount of slack, souley because you are a cleric. Also, being willing to listen and learn will take you great lengths. If you ever have any questions in game, please feel free to send me a PM, The toon you will see me on the most is Rasmus.

    The same goes for anyone, new and old, just simply hit everyone's favorite bard up
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  10. #10
    Community Member Amberyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...
    I would recommend just letting people know you are new to the game. I have no problem with those that are new, as we were all there once.

    If you are on when any in Black company are, just ask for Amberyll. I would be happy to help.

  11. #11
    Community Member Kronik's Avatar
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    Go ahead and group up and have fun. There are a lot of people who's shiz dont stink around here, but they all play with themselves anyways.

    There are lots of good players who will help you if you ask and want to learn.

    Good luck and have fun!
    Big Cash Mercs / Sarlona / Leader


  12. #12
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I play with new people all the time. One of my favorite things about leveling a new alt, is the new friends that I can meet along the way

    As a new person tho, you might look for non zerg LFMs so that you can really experience the dungeon on your first time thru or put up an LFM that says no spoilers or something--or as Thel said, solo them--if you do get in a super zerg group you will miss the story.

    As a cleric you can get into any group, people, esp new people beg for clerics, but you will have to set boundaries--you know, tell people straight up that you cant heal them if they are around corners and too far ahead, many clerics have this motto in their bio
    "I don't Heal stupid".

    If a group is taking too much damage and too spread out, tell them so. . .ask them to use strategy and some CC--you yourself can make your SP go a long way by using soundburst--and if they still spread out and run all over the place dying, just stick with who has the star since you can't split into 4 different ways: )
    Last edited by moops; 05-14-2010 at 02:02 PM.
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  13. #13
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Personally, I've found that if i'm new to a quest or raid, I just state it. Most won't have a problem with it, and that way you can get any guidance you may need, especially if you're fulfilling a specific role.

    The others that do have a problem and don't want to team with a "newb" then, frankly that's not my problem.

  14. #14
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    I know how ya feel OP....when I first started playin I would get frustrated when I got lost or left behind cause I didn't know the quest. Hell I didn't really know how to run Tangleroot or STK till almost a year and half of playing. I ended up going back on my high level toons and learning the quest just so I could see what I missed. Now I'm the one leaving people behind at times....and I feel bad for it....but our LFMs state we are a fast moving group. If you put in LFM that your new or want to take it slow to learn quest you'll get some helpful VETs who will join and help ya out. I know when I join a PUG I run it the way they want not the way I thinks best.

    hell it's really more fun to go in with a whole bunch of people who have never done it before.....even if ya wipe in Waterworks on normal. I know that's what I like when I run new high level content....I'll run it 2 man and die to at least see it for myself first before someone leads me through it. Either way you go Good Luck and glad ya like they game.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  15. #15
    Community Member Darth_Sizzle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soupertc View Post
    If you put in LFM that your new or want to take it slow to learn quest...
    More explicitly stated:

    Do start your own groups. Make a note in the LFM that your are going to take your time and learn the quest. You may or may not get Vets in there to help you, but at least everyone who joins should be on the same page.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude78 View Post
    Reading through the forums it sounds like people don't want to run through a quest with someone who has never done that particular quest before or have a compleatly munchkined out toon.....I guess what i'm asking is should i solo the game to become more knowlagable on such things before i start to get into groups, i don't want to be left behind beacause i don' know whats behind every corrner...
    No, just be upfront about being new. Say you want to learn and are eager to get into the game but may need some pointers. If the group flips out, then leave it. Find one that is new player friendly.

    I personally am a zerging vet freak. I have done it all, and on all difficulties, many, many, many, many... well you get the idea. However I am happy and willing to help out, go slow and give pointers if I know you are new. Otherwise, if you just quietly die and get lost constantly I figure you are just a bad player.

    So please speak up, I know there are many vets like myself that are happy to help if we know we should.

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  17. #17
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    I played for about 6 months figuring I would solo, it got to be very boring to just run through any dungeon on your own. I much prefer partying with others, better to claim ignorance(lack of knowledge) then to be revealed as stupid(knowing but doing something else). When I first started getting into groups I would let them know I have never done the quest before and it was amazing how quickly people would start walking me through the quest, it was funny because I would get into a group and several people would try to explain it all at once. When you are looking through the LFM's look for the clue that they might be looking for experience people, send a tell and ask if they would mind dragging a good listener along to learn. The worst they can say is NO. That rarely happens unless they are zerging, stay away from those if you havent done the quest before it teaches you bad habits. Take your time, enjoy yourself, and contribute as best you can to the party and ask questions if you dont know, just not in the middle of a big fight.

  18. #18
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    Thanks everyone, all great advice

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