The Wayward Lobster welcomes you.
We are actively recruiting new members. We have some great officers, but there are a few officer positions open. We have also joined the guild-portal community and now have our own website:
Please PM me in game, here on the site, or at our home page.
We are an open minded guild who welcomes vets and new players alike. You only need to be proPvP to join us as we will sound the battle call.
Another good reason to join us...if you check out our site you can see how good looken I amhahahah
Lets get a drink and beet each-others faces in! When were done we can go kick some quest butt or find a raid to loot. Also, P2P and F2P members are both welcome. Hope to hear from yall, our guild is growing nicely!
Leader of The Wayward Lobster