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  1. #1
    Community Member Pehtis's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Question Will Saves - how much should the base number be by mid to end game?

    On many toons (re non cleric) Wisdom is a dump stat. My question relates just what should the base number (re without equipment enhancements) be at by level 20?

    Some classes have better Will save progression than others. I also accept Race resistances also play a part. But if you were to normalise everything what would be the number to be aiming at. A good example would be a Human as they have no default race resistances.

    For instance is a 10 Will save enough? Should it be 20? Maybe higher etc.

    The reason I ask is to get a better understanding of the usefulness of Feats like Force of Personality (FoP) by charisma classes like Paladins, Sorcerers, Bards. Feats are a premium and often FoP gets left out despite acknowledging it can be useful.

    I guess the same question can be asked of all saves (re Fortitude, Reflex). What is the minimum number we should be aiming at when building our toons?

    However right now my question relates to Will Saves.

    Would really appreciate your end game feedback.
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  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Pehtis View Post
    For instance is a 10 Will save enough? Should it be 20? Maybe higher etc.
    At level 20, a 30 on your character sheet is considered pretty decent, although to have reliable evasion against epic enemies you'd want 40.

    But few kinds of characters can reach 30+ in each of the three saves, and for most people it would be a waste of effort to try. To have lower saves is a valid tradeoff. Chances are that whatever character you're asking about now will have no reasonable way to get close to 30 Will.

    It is also notable that Will and Fort saves are mostly for less-important kinds of attacks (if you consider that there are many ways to become completely immune to most Will/Fort effects)

  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I'd rank Fort well above Will simply because there's no way to be immune to disintegrate.

    Will saves...well, there's almost nothing to even care about in will saves, and what few there are it is fairly easy to be flat out immune to the spell without needing a save.

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