Originally Posted by
That certainly is an option.
From my personal experience when I was soloing amrath quests on n/h/e (Ok, i did invis a hireling for the stupid force lever in genesis so not technically solo) I wanted the maximum opportunities for mana regeneration (Con/Op + Torc) and maximum BB damage (Sup Pot6 kama) and AC/spell DC's (centered water stance) without worrying about swapping out one item for another and going in and out of monk stance with 3-20 orthons/devils/tieflings/trogs either 1 step behind me (circular bb kiting) or about to get a swing at me (back-and-forth kiting in stupid narrow sins hallways).
I don't melee to whittle down mobs that voluntarily kill themselves on my BB's so my melee focus is almost entirely on casters and archers. When I charge into a room/area that has 3-4 melee mobs, 1-3 casters, and 1-3 archers I do immediately switch to my dual GS kama's and kill the casters regardless of the possible beating I'll get from the other mobs. Then i swap back to my gs + icy burst sup pot6 kama combo and take down the melee with my bb's. I leave the archers until last as they are essentially free mana while i kill everything else.
I'm not saying my way is the best way, the right way, or the wrong way. I tend to be a min/max type player and my way is what I have found to maximize my abilities in my preferred playstyle. I know the OP and have grouped with his exploiter and his other ranger on a number of occasions. So I have a limited amount of insight as to how he plays in game. My recommendations in this post were specific to my perspective of his general playstyle. Who knows, I could be completely wrong about his playstyle from the dozen or two times we've grouped or raided together.. we aren't BFF's in game, just passing acquaintances.