I know that you get a special reincarnation bank account to store your stuff when you TR. But what about your plat? Do you get to keep that too? What if you are F2P? Do you still have the same GP limit as a 1st-level character after a TR?
I know that you get a special reincarnation bank account to store your stuff when you TR. But what about your plat? Do you get to keep that too? What if you are F2P? Do you still have the same GP limit as a 1st-level character after a TR?
I think if your f2p you reset your limit not sure how that works if you TR but your cash stays with you normaly when you TR just spend a little cash if you can and remove your limit on cash by becoming a premium player.
Beware the Sleepeater
I wanna meet the person who levels all the way to 20, then Runs enough epic quests to earn a true heart of wood.... without spending a dime on TUrbine Points....
That would be quite the accomplishment.
Well, from what I understand you need 12 epic tokens to get a greater heart of wood. I haven't done epic quests yet, so I'm not entirely keen on what it takes to get those tokens, but I can't imagine it is impossible with a little bit of grind. Based on what I know about greensteel, it can't take as long as it takes to get a tier 3 greensteel weapon. Or does it?
20 epic tokens for a true heart of wood. I'd love to be able to get a greater heart of wood from tokens.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
Ah, okay. I had greater and true mixed up. Going back and looking at this, I see that you do indeed need 20 epic tokens for a true heart of wood.
So how long does it take to farm 20 epic tokens anyway? I know not all epic quests give them (Sentinels being a notorious exception). Are there other things that epic tokens are used for?
Krag, thanks for the info. That somewhat lessens my concerns. I'm trying an experiment to see if it is possible or realistic to get a TR on a completely F2P account.
Assuming you will only farm 2 easiest epics (VoN1-2) you can have your heart in 10 days.
Of course you need to have Vault of Night adventure pack and level 20 character to pull the trick.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
Maybe this belongs in another thread, but I'll go ahead and ask here since I am getting some quality answers. (Thanks BTW)
Do epic quests drop different amounts of epic tokens? Or is there only one epic token possible per epic quest that drops tokens? Are epic tokens a guaranteed thing or are they random drops? Is there a guide somewhere to farming for epic tokens? How long do you have to wait before you can farm the same epic quest for tokens again?
On another line of thinking, what adventure packs would you recommend getting first for the endeavor of attempting to get a TR F2P toon? This is important given the small number of higher-level quests available to F2P.
And for those wondering, I have a Premium account with which I have bought a number of adventure packs. Part of the reason I want to do this with a F2P account is simply to see if it can be done. Same reason a climber climbs Mount Everest: because it's there.
Epic quests drop fixed number of epic tokens
Sentinels - 0
VoN 5 - 2
Rest - 1
Raids drop 1 raid token.
Epic dungeons have 16hours timers and epic raids have regular raid timers.
Best adventure pack to farm tokens is Vault of Night. Desert epics will be out of your league for much longer time.
P.S. It can be done. One of my f2p toons already TRed.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer