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  1. #1
    Community Member zarious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Group of 4 looking for Guild

    Me and 3 friends (one of whom is my wife) have been playing since F2P came out. We've pretty much stuck together, and played as a group, bringing in the occasional pubber to help fill a role as needed. All of us have hit 20 with our mains (except one who's 19 and getting close) and we're interested now in raiding. We all have a few raid completions under our belt, but we realize that in order to advance forward at any reasonable pace (and to do pretty much any epic content) we're going to have to become part of a larger group. At lest 2-3 of us are on every night, usually between 9pm est and 12 pm est. We're not uber, but we all have a decent understanding of the basics of the game and have at least the minimum equipment needed to run raids (DR bypassers ect).

    What we're looking to do, is to join a guild that is reasonably serious about raiding/epics, but not super hardcore (no mandatory raiding or weird loot rules). We're looking for a guild that has high level players, but that will also have the occasional low level character that we can group with as we bring up our own lowbies and help each other level.

    We want to play together as much as possible, but it's rare for all 4 of us to be on at once. We all enjoy doing a diverse number of things from farming bloodstones to helping random pubbers flag for raids, to helping beat harry down. Really just want a laid back guild that runs raids and the occasional epic, but mostly has fun

  2. #2
    Community Member cyberguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Our guild is currently looking for more people, here is what we are about...

    Silver Phoenix - Legacy is a U.S.- based guild geared towards the more mature and casual player. This should not be misunderstood to mean that we are not serious about being a guild. We are a guild that supports friendship and fun over the "OMG Gimmie phat lewtz!" approach. We are not hardcore, but a group that tackles instances and raids with a balance of seriousness and silliness.

    Silver Phoenix - Legacy realizes that real life comes first. Whether you have school, work long hours, have small children, or need to work on spouse favor, we support you. There are those who are able to enjoy DDO more often, for longer hours, and we support you as well. Nobody will be required to specialize or play a certain way to meet the needs of the guild.

    We are a guild of casual players focused on questing, raid based instances, world interaction, and socializing. We are serious about being an online family and are open to mature, fair-minded people of all classes and professions. Courteous behavior, active participation, and a commitment to support our growing guilds community are the primary expectations of all members.

    Silver Phoenix - Legacy defines casual to mean informal and relaxed. Silver Phoenix - Legacy will NOT impose any rule or Charter amendment requiring:

    1. Mandated fellowing or grouping.

    2. Mandated raid attendance.

    3. Minimum playtime (with exception of the “abandoned characters”, which is defined as a character that has not been logged in over 30 days.)

    4. Mandated leveling.

    5. Mandated advancement.

    6. Specific character or class creation builds.

    You can check out our web site here
    When I told them I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me, but I showed them. I became a comedian, no one is laughing now.

  3. #3
    Community Member Combat_Wombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    You sound like the perfect fit for Demise of Sanity We are small but regularly run every raid and epics and have characters all across the level range. All members are US or Canadian and over 18. We use teamspeak. If you could contact me in-game I am almost always on RisenPhoenix or CombatWombat and would love to talk to you in more detail about what your seeking in a guild.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Ultimately you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it be a good player.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant
    Please don't make posts like this, thanks.
    You can give a man fire and he will be warm for a day, but set him on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  4. #4
    Community Member Phedra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    A small read through will determin if our paths can cross or not. Anything else I say will fall under the category of blabber!
    Hope to hear from you soon

  5. #5
    Community Member Jaxien's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    If you haven;t found a guild yet, The Silver Legion sounds like it might be a good fit for you. We are part of a long-standing, well-established, multi-game guild called Guild Medieval. GM is based on the old rules of chivalry and the honor of Knighthood. Be mature, treat others with respect, help when you can, etc. We do have certain rules and standards, but no rules regulating play time or how you play. Real life comes comes first. The Silver Legion has players from all over the world, so there is nearly always more than a few on at any given time. We have a bunch of level 20's as well as low level characters. Check us out at and if you like what you see, put in an application. This is a great guild!

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