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  1. #1
    Knight Who Says Ni Lord_Balon's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Leveling Strategy

    Is it wise to hold off on leveling until you are at your experience max? Pro's / Cons?

    I've been delaying my leveling so that I can continue to run the lower level quests without getting penalized but is there a downside to this strategy other than missing out on HP, SP, spells, etc.

    Thanks for everyone's input

    I'm currently 11 CL / 1 FTR

  2. #2
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Nov 2007


    No real downside, other than the lack of levelling and the fact that eventually you'll be wasting xp since you can only bank so much (i.e. if you are level 12 now, you can bank enough xp to take you to 1xp short of level 14 I believe. Anything further is wasted).

    So if you want to go to 20, then by all means keep going. Banking just allows you to skip certain levels which may make your life easier.

    Then again, I know some people who have characters and have no intentions of taking them to level 20 at all for various reasons (i.e. a capped xp level 10 character to lead appropriately-levelled Tempest Spine raids).

    Totally up to you.

  3. #3
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    There's 2 sides of the coin. Holding off on levels, especially with all the lowbie quests, means you can get more XP from running them at lower levels. But, there are SO many lowbie quests this is really only beneficial to TR's. You can easily run most of what's out there (and I don't mean every single quest) and cap a toon at 20 easily.

    Honestly, I feel my cleric is at his sweet spot after he hits Gianthold, gets Heal, Blade Barrier, Cometfall, etc. It's a lot cheaper for me to cleric at that point. Plus GH, the Vale, and the Orchard drop XP easily enough, you'll cap probably way before you are even geared properly.

    My advice: just take the levels. I TR'd a cleric and still capped him without any difficulty. Get up there and see what power clericing is all about.
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    when i was leveling my TR i held levels as long as i could and was very careful about what quests i ran and when i ran them. for all other toons i didn't bother.

    it really only makes sense if you are a TR and need to farm and conserve XP or if you are running with friends and they haven't leveled as fast as you have and you don't want to hurt their XP while they catch up. otherwise take the level.
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  5. #5
    Knight Who Says Ni Lord_Balon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Thanks

    Thanks for the replies. I think I'll take the level and start enjoying the added perks!!

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