There have been a few threads regarding the distribution of Raid Loot. It seems to be a topic of much dispute, with dynamically differing views on how it should be handled.
Others have proposed to come up with an official policy and post it on the forums, whether it be for a server, or for the whole game.
Even among those who are on the same side of the arguement, there are still inconsistencies. I do not think it is realistic for a single server, let alone all the players on the forums, to adopt the same rules. Especially when a large percentage of the player base has never read the Forums.
The only agreement I have seen in these discusions, is that everyone should be aware before the raid of how the loot is going to be handled.
I would suggest that guilds develop their own specific Raid Loot Rules and post those rules on their MyDDO page.
I have done a test page on our guild's MyDDO site to show how this could be accomplished:
I am not sure if others are doing anything like this, as I have not seen it mentioned in any of the recent raid loot threads.
I believe this would save time while putting the raid together, and eliminate the need for repetition to all new members. All those in the party would procede with the same expectations, and if anyone did not agree with the rules, they could leave the party sooner and the leader could replace them more quickly.
Is anyone doing this already? If so, how has it worked out?