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  1. #1
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Default Raid Loot Suggestion

    There have been a few threads regarding the distribution of Raid Loot. It seems to be a topic of much dispute, with dynamically differing views on how it should be handled.

    Others have proposed to come up with an official policy and post it on the forums, whether it be for a server, or for the whole game.

    Even among those who are on the same side of the arguement, there are still inconsistencies. I do not think it is realistic for a single server, let alone all the players on the forums, to adopt the same rules. Especially when a large percentage of the player base has never read the Forums.

    The only agreement I have seen in these discusions, is that everyone should be aware before the raid of how the loot is going to be handled.

    I would suggest that guilds develop their own specific Raid Loot Rules and post those rules on their MyDDO page.

    I have done a test page on our guild's MyDDO site to show how this could be accomplished:

    I am not sure if others are doing anything like this, as I have not seen it mentioned in any of the recent raid loot threads.

    I believe this would save time while putting the raid together, and eliminate the need for repetition to all new members. All those in the party would procede with the same expectations, and if anyone did not agree with the rules, they could leave the party sooner and the leader could replace them more quickly.

    Is anyone doing this already? If so, how has it worked out?

  2. #2
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    There have been a few threads regarding the distribution of Raid Loot. It seems to be a topic of much dispute, with dynamically differing views on how it should be handled.

    That's the understatement of the century...but very good and productive idea. +1 (when timer runs down I've ransacked rep)
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Rule 1: If it's in the chest with your name on it, you can do whatever you want with it.
    Rule 2: If it's something you can't really use (Ring of Thelis for a barbarian, for example), don't be a ****** if someone else in the group would put it on immediately. They should take priority over your plan to TR in 4 months.

    Really pretty simple.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matuse View Post
    rule 1: If It's In The Chest With Your Name On It, You Can Do Whatever You Want With It.
    Rule 2: If It's Something You Can't Really Use (ring Of Thelis For A Barbarian, For Example), Don't Be A ****** If Someone Else In The Group Would Put It On Immediately. They Should Take Priority Over Your Plan To Tr In 4 Months.

    Really Pretty Simple.

  5. #5
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Rule 1: If it's in the chest with your name on it, you can do whatever you want with it.
    Rule 2: If it's something you can't really use (Ring of Thelis for a barbarian, for example), don't be a ****** if someone else in the group would put it on immediately. They should take priority over your plan to TR in 4 months.

    Really pretty simple.
    Who in the party gets it?
    By roll?
    Who rolls?
    Who decides who rolls?
    Give it to guildie/friend?
    Can I just give it to a player that really needs it, vs rolling where someone that doesnt really need it could take it?

    For each of these questions there are several different opinions. Everyone has an idea of how loot should be handled, and no 2 seem to match exactly.

    The matter is not simple at all, if it were, there wouldn't be so much debate about it.

    I am not starting another thread to debate the need v. greed concept, there are plenty of those floating around, please debate your particular beliefs in one of those threads.

    This thread is for suggestions on how to get everyone in your raid group on the same page about what how raid loot will be handled on your particular raid.

  6. #6
    Community Member Newtons_Apple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crann View Post
    There have been a few threads regarding the distribution of Raid Loot. It seems to be a topic of much dispute, with dynamically differing views on how it should be handled.

    Others have proposed to come up with an official policy and post it on the forums, whether it be for a server, or for the whole game.

    Even among those who are on the same side of the arguement, there are still inconsistencies. I do not think it is realistic for a single server, let alone all the players on the forums, to adopt the same rules. Especially when a large percentage of the player base has never read the Forums.

    The only agreement I have seen in these discusions, is that everyone should be aware before the raid of how the loot is going to be handled.

    I would suggest that guilds develop their own specific Raid Loot Rules and post those rules on their MyDDO page.

    I have done a test page on our guild's MyDDO site to show how this could be accomplished:

    I am not sure if others are doing anything like this, as I have not seen it mentioned in any of the recent raid loot threads.

    I believe this would save time while putting the raid together, and eliminate the need for repetition to all new members. All those in the party would procede with the same expectations, and if anyone did not agree with the rules, they could leave the party sooner and the leader could replace them more quickly.

    Is anyone doing this already? If so, how has it worked out?
    You just stated that a lot of players don't read the forums. By that reasoning, what good would a posting do on MYDDO?

    Like others have said, it might be best to keep things as simple as possible.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    You just stated that a lot of players don't read the forums. By that reasoning, what good would a posting do on MYDDO?

    Like others have said, it might be best to keep things as simple as possible.
    You have a direct link to the MyDDO page on your menu bar. At the beginning of the raid you announce where the rules are, and people can look them up as the raid is forming. If this became common practice, they could look them up even before they joined the group.

    I would love it if it were simple, and feel exactly about the concept of loot distribution as Matuse does above. But our simple does not match about half of the "next guy's" simple, thus the need to get everyone on the same page.

    This way, you dont get all the way through the raid, to find out that guildies are going to give loot to each other, and not a genral roll. Or you would find out that a sorc was going to be allowed to roll on that awesome shield, when you are the only shield user in the group.

    You would find out too late that their "simple" plan and your "simple" plan didn't match. And then you would come to the forums and start another "I was robbed" thread like the umpteen I've seen here in the last few months.

    You would have the option to choose another raid if you didn't agree beforehand.

  8. #8
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    You just stated that a lot of players don't read the forums. By that reasoning, what good would a posting do on MYDDO?

    Like others have said, it might be best to keep things as simple as possible.
    It can be accessed from in game. You should try sometime there is a button on the toolbar. You could put in the LFM see my guilds myDDO page for our raid policies.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  9. #9
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newtons_Apple View Post
    Like others have said, it might be best to keep things as simple as possible.
    It would be nice if it was possible to keep it simple, and keep everyone happy.

    It is not possible.

    This is just one example of a thread debating differing views, please read it, and the others like it if you think this subject is simple, with everyone already doing it one way.

    It is a common practice that some guilds only allow their own members to roll on items their members pull, wouldn't you like to know that ahead of time? I would still roll with them, knowing I would have a really good chance at a completion, and my loot in the chest. Others would not want to participate.

  10. #10
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    It seems like the ones who are complaing about the loot distributions are one of the following:

    *Have run X Raid X amount of times and still haven't gotten the loot they desire, and continue to lose /roll on those items when/if they are up for roll.
    *Got screwed over by ninja-looting or ninja-passing-of-loot to guildies without being made aware of how that guild distributes loot.
    *Are jealous when someone pulls something they want and keep it for themselves.

    I think that about covers it. If you join a PUG and the majority of that party is one guild, ask if there are any loot rules/distributions going on and if you, as a contributing party member, are allowed to partake in that. If you don't like what they say/their rules are, drop group immediately. The only other way I can think to fix this is this: LEAD THE RAID! Then you get to decide how the loot is distributed if it comes to that.

    Personally whether I pug an entire Raid or have 1 PUG with 10 other guildies, everyone contributes to the success, so everyone has a shot. Don't be an ass, roll for what you need or would use and if not, don't roll. Pretty simple. No need to make up fancy rules for someone else's loot. It's their loot and is ultimately their decision whether or not you have a shot at it.
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