Apparently W:AR players aren't the heartless, hard-core and ruthless PvP-grinders we all thought they were:
Props to them for their support of that unfortunate Tink.
Apparently W:AR players aren't the heartless, hard-core and ruthless PvP-grinders we all thought they were:
Props to them for their support of that unfortunate Tink.
That was very cool of them, poor other Tink![]()
side note...why do they get pink armor!!!!!????
Really cool to see. Thanks for posting that.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Many other MMOs have at-will armor dying. Usually either buy them from a vendor or farm them from a particular zone where they drop. In GuildWars, for instance, IIRC, all dyes dropped at a pretty good rate, except black. A bottle of black dye would set you back one Ecto (the equivalent of a large devil scale).
I loved Guild Wars' dye system. Made every piece of armor a different color for the lulz.
Nothing annoys people more in PvP than a Ranger with armor dyed every color of the spectrum spiking you into the ground and dancing in front of your dead self as he captures whatever it is you were guarding. :P
Would be nice to be able to dye armor here, though. Get my armor set dyed a nice blood red color...
Even if all they implemented was something that only let you change the 'primary' and 'secondary' colors on your randomly generated armor it would be sweet.
I believe it's been mentioned that it will be added in the future. Just not anytime soon.