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  1. #41
    Community Member Sharzade's Avatar
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    Smile Cleaning the Slate, Wiping Out Mistakes

    The OP made a sincere apology, and hasn't been playing DDO very long. I think bygones should be bygones. The OP seems to have figured out later times to get out of the Shroud Part V safely before quest completion, so it was a learning experience. Blacklisting in this case is mean-spirited.

    Blacklisting is pretty rare I think; I'd save it for players who actually do know better but still intentionally ruin things for others.

    It's important for groups to communicate better with newer players who express concerns, so that this kind of thing doesn't happen.

    DDO Store FTW

    Sharzadee ~ yKaterina ~ Darya ~Ashin ~ Setareh ~ Pixxie
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  2. #42
    Community Member King_Hoova52's Avatar
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    Val, you will still be welcome in my PUGs, I'll send a tell next time I see ya. I have never seen anything bad from you before, and I can understand your precaution on that run. I would advise to do as the Vets have said and leave when almost done..

    Also, I wouldnt take that raid leader seriously anyway. He and his lacky(s) have blacklisted me as well, because my wife did not feel she should need to link her Harry beater, so I left the group (before it started or even had 5 people). I started getting tells from your raid leader on that run(even though he was not the leader on my run) calling me immature, and saying why you leave because your friend couldnt go? etc.. even after I explained ,he continued to badger me then started telling me to stop whining! hah!..then a week or so later he sends me a tell asking if I want to do a raid, even though I was in a party and supposedly "blacklisted" by him a week or so before....Then he makes something up for his lackys, and I get a /squelch tell from them rofl!

    So, anytime you would like to run with me, I'll be happy to have ya. (sorry got off topic a little).

  3. #43
    Founder dj.kickz's Avatar
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    as someone who leads a lot of raids and has a Do Not Group list longer then the dictionary I probably wouldn't refuse to group with you after having read this post however i would probably take another player who has not had issues before risking more drama. Honestly tho from my experience on this server if im in a group with more then 2 or 3 pugs i just expect someone to be a complete idiot and for us to have to short man it.
    * dizzy - fizzle - rofluppagus * - loot - cannith

  4. #44
    Community Member zarious's Avatar
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    I got disconnected from a Shroud run last night. I was on my ranger (Haneroth) and we were having a pretty smooth run for a pub. We got to part 5, killed all the minibosses except for the orc. Standing there waiting for the order to drop him and start the fight and boom. No internet. I was only down for about 10 mins or so, just long enough to miss the chests but get the completion . Thanks to the guys who held the instance open so I could take a shot

  5. #45
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    This is Bigrockwall the leader of the raid that this all took place. I would like to clear a few things up. First of all, valindra, apology accepted. Though I cannot speak for the other members of my guild, or my "lackys" as king hoova called them earlier in this post, I will run with you again. I do not believe after this experience that it will happen again.

    That being said, I would like to get a few things straight.

    First off, Valindra was the last person added to the group. The only reason I took her, bard songs aside, was the fact that we had a tank, 7 DPS, 3 healers and no arcanes, and I needed someone who could cast haste. It was my third shroud run that night, and niether myself or any of the other 4 guys who had run the previous 2 raids were in the mood to wait for an arcane when a bard could do the same thing. So it would be pretty obvious to me if i was the only person who could haste that the group would get pretty ****ed at me if I left before part 4.

    Secondly, if you are a DPS and you are asked to link harry beaters, I would take that as a good sign from any shroud raid leader. If you dont have the appropriate weapons to bypass DR what use are you to my raid?

    And lastly, this ddoor option thing......... USE RECALL PEOPLE!!!!! If someone is a jerk and hits the alter after you go through ddoor but before you actually exit, not only are you forced with a completion, but you also get screwed out of your chests. If you hit recall instead, then if someone touches alter before you get out you can cancel the recall and at least still get your chest. Of course teleporting out, or using a ddoor with arritreakos at 10% works too, but you see my point here. This is why you will always see RECALL OPTION listed in my shroud raids, not ddoor option. And I assure you if someone touches the alter before you get out of my raid I will deal with it

  6. #46
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    There are actually lots of good tips in here.

    Lots of options:
    - Recall (so if someone clicks alter you can cancel and still loot)
    - DDoor when he is at 5-10% Health
    - Teleport to Merida (UMD scroll or spell)

  7. #47
    Community Member xxHazexx's Avatar
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    Arrow Shroud

    Ive had several instances where people just dont listen and like to jump the gun, and i can honestly say ive abandoned a group in the shroud as well because i wont tolerate ppl that zerg through the portals and just DONT listen. Ive been put on timer before because of this, theres also a very good chance that this group is going to wipe, now im not sticking around when i can just do it tomorrow with people i know with no problems.

  8. #48
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    Slightly off-topic, but what is the hard-on for ddoors anyway? In the time it takes to scream 'ddoor ddoor', get someone to cast it, go through, turn around, zone out you could just use recall all on your own.
    Snuffles - lvl 20 fighter - Platinum Knights on Cannith

  9. #49
    Community Member Vua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aurum1 View Post
    Slightly off-topic, but what is the hard-on for ddoors anyway? In the time it takes to scream 'ddoor ddoor', get someone to cast it, go through, turn around, zone out you could just use recall all on your own.
    Well when you used to recall out you'd end up in the harbor instead of Meridia. I believe that is fixed now though. Honestly I stay for the completion and there is almost always a DDoor there so I got through it out of habit. I think I recalled the other day and ended up in Meridia though.

  10. #50
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    sniffer here.
    ur a bard. u sing songs. u can sing songs and ddoor out before harry even drops in p5 if we zergers make u feel super uncomfortable. nobody will hardly feel any difference
    viktoriya/booksniffer cannith

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