So as i have very little time on my computer i decided to roll a solo char.
Went dwarf, with abbilites:
str 14
dex 17 (maybe its 16 and i've got a +1 somehow)
con 10
int 10
wis 16
cha 10
The plan was to build a dwarf char that can solo dungeons while disabling and detecting stuff so it wouldnt be boring. So naturaly i went lvl 1 rogue to gain as much as skill points and then a lvl in cleric. I wanted to go a TWF build with double dwarven axes, what i forgot is that dwarven axes are treated as Martial weapons and nothing im my build would give me that profitiency
Dwarf Rogue 1/Cleric 1
Feats: TWF
My plan was to go 2 lvls in monk to gain the awesome abilities and to lvl the rest in cleric (ending up as lvl 17 cleric geting lvl 9 spells).
Now i can't decide. Should i go 2 lvls in fighter(or smth else maybe?) instead of monk to gain the proficiency with the axes or should i just get the feat on lvl 3. Im still a DDO noob but im a DnD veteran. I dont know would that spent feat on lvl 3 reduce my power 2 much, should i just replace the 2 monk lvls with something else and if not carrying a light off hand weapon is rly that bad (maybe the x3 crit and d10 dmg wont rly matter once the weapons get enchanted)...
Any advice is welcomed!