...A group of cocky adventurers come together for a seemingly quick, easy favor run even by elite standards. One part of the group takes one side of the dungeon while the other group takes off to the other to clear out optionals, pull levers, etc. only to meet up at the same ol' mob,who does the same ol' thing... Only things go horribly wrong and the party wipes before they new what hit them.
After resurrecting, repairing, name calling and blaming each other's class or playing style for their fate, they return to the very same quest vowing revenge. Upon entering the dungeon the second time, things look different. Mobs weren't where they usually are, passageways boarded up seeming to herd them to areas they had never seen before so many times before. Voices calling out to them, taunting them...
I can keep going with this, but I think it would be great if once in a while, the devs would randomly join in and play random mobs and give some unsuspecting group a run for their money! Anybody else thought about this? I'd love to see it. It would certainly keep ppl on their toes. What are your thoughts?