Originally Posted by
This is incorrect, and shows inexperience with the class. Here's some facts:
At level 7, you'll gain access to Good Hope, which provides +2 to attack, damage, skills, and saves to the entire party. At this point, there's no point in having Heroism anymore, since it is either 15sp to cast Heroism on one person or 20sp to cast Good Hope on the whole party.
At this point, the best your Inspire Courage song could be is +2 attack and +3 damage with all the enhancements. Good Hope is still boosting saves and skills.
However, at 8th level, Inspire Courage gets its base bumped up to +2/+2, and with enhancements, you can now reach +4/+4, which is better than Good Hope. However, if you both cast Good Hope and sing, you now have +4 attack, +4 damage, +2 skills, and +2 saves. Again, you'll get the most benefit by using both.
So, unless you are going to sing AND cast greater heroism on every party member Good hope serves a purpose. Unless of course you are going to sing Inspire heroics on everyone as well.
Good hope is just a time saver, and considering how ridiculously long it takes a bard to "fully buff" its a GREAT spell to keep around...
Here's what any bard can buff someone with (maxed out enhancements):
Good Hope: +2 to attack, damage, skills, and saves to the entire party
Inspire Courage: +6 attack, +6 damage
Inspire Greatness: +2 attack, +1 Fort saves, +20 HP
Inspire Heroics: +4 Dodge AC, +4 Saves (Single Target Only)
Inspire Competence: +2 Skill checks (Single Target Only)
Greater Heroism: +4 skill checks, Fear Immunity, +20 HP (Single Target Only)
Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC, +1 Reflex
Combined, you'll get this:
+9 attack (Warchanter can be +10 attack)
+6 damage (Warchanter can be +8 damage)
+4 Will save
+5 Fort save
+5 Reflex save
+40 HP
+6 Skill checks
+4 Dodge AC
Fear Immunity