well my first LPO was my favorite DM.
I remember rolling for initiative and him saying, "all right! the good guys got it!" then I started to tell him what I was going to do, and he said, "Wait, you aren't the good guys, you're invading their home."
He also used to draw little stick figures on his laminated dugeon maps to show where the dead boddies were...
And I had a chief who kicked y butt at VGA Planets. Also went to a D&D game I was DMing...didn't play but threw in an occasional comment, which was more creative than anything the players came up with.
But that was a long time ago.....when I worked around air dales.
The surface Navy was less nerd friendly. I was TAD with one guy from the ship in VA and asked him if he wanted to go to a Star Trek convention....he looked at me...thoght about it, and said: "Ok, but don't you dare tell anyway!" Not sure if he ever forgave me when they found out.
(although Brinks was my best RL Navy friend, and made Chief.)(he's not on FB though.