Im an old player from 2007 returning to the game with some friends. Probably most famous or infamous for creating the Black Abbot Preraid Puzzle Answers thread depending on how you felt about it
Currently there are 6 of us in my group all looking for a place to call home. 3 of us are old players returning and the other 3 are new players. We are all very good very close friends. We are all above the age of 20. We are all VERY experienced gamers and have played this and many other MMORPGS. Everyone in my group has been playing MMORPGs for 5-10+ years. We all have have headphones and mics, though a few in my group prefer not to talk on mic.
What we are looking for:
A relaxed guild with many members who play at all times. We mainly play late night 11pm-3am EST almost everyday. We would really like a guild with other members who actively play close to these times to. We can and do play at other times as well, but that is the preferred time for all of us.
We want a guild that does things together and is very interested in raiding. Us older players started new toons to be on equal level with our new friends who have just started playing. Right now on the toons we are playing we are lvls 4-6. We want NO DRAMA in a guild, no constant spamming of stupid pointless chat in guild chat, and would prefer to be with mainly other adults.
My other toons include a lvl 14 cleric, a lvl 14 rogue, a lvl 15 fighter, a lvl 14 sorc, a lvl 15 sorc, and a lvl 15 sorc/fighter hybrid. My newest toon is lvl 5 and is also a sorc. What can I say I love my sorcsSee my signature for names. I would love to run higher end content during the day on my other toons while waiting for my group to play with at night on my newer toon.
Other members in my group have toons ranging from lvl 5-15 as well with the exception of our new playing friends. We dont mind being in a growing guild or a learning guild. We would actual prefer to be in a guild that DOESNT rush through the content and really takes the time to enjoy playing and to enjoy doing/exploring the quests and raids.
If your guild is interested in talking to and meeting myself and my group send me a PM or post in the forums. We will get with you talk and/or run some quests to get to know each other better, before we make a decision.