After reading that other thread that is showing some potential after starting all /vomit, I have a question.
Do any of you ever decide to /squelch remove <name> if you think the person in the group may need direction?
I am torn on this subject and am looking for advice one way or another.
See, sometimes I think that maybe they might need the assistance of communication in both directions.
After all, if they have been on the list for a long time, maybe they have become better players (lol, yah right) or maybe even seeing past all the BS just so you can get back on timer.
On the other hand, maybe since they made the list, it would be better to just watch them wallow in self destructive behavior.
I have had to have non-squelched members transfer data during quests/raids and it is not fun when the middleman says, "he says youre an assbag".
This has fringe benefits of potential drama here on the forums, i.e. "that squelched bastage did it again GD it!!"
So, is /squelch add <name> a good thing or a bad thing.
This obviously has implications here on the forums, but what about ingame?