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  1. #1

    Default Auction House Ingredients, Please separate!

    When there are 40 plus pages in the Auction house under "ingredients", it tells me that there's a time for a change. How about separating them, the same way that armor, jewelry, weapons, etc. are separated? It would make everything easier for both buyers and sellers.

    One possible way to do that is as follows:

    Green Steel Formation
    Green Steel Upgrading
    Sentinel (House D)

    Again, my categories may not be the best way to break it down. The idea I bring forth is to no longer make someone go through 40 pages when they are looking for something. If we want the auction house to work better, this is one way to help. Thanks for letting me share.
    Officer of X since Beta, now on New Xoriat, (a.k.a. Thelanis)
    Plumwine, Elriq, Icewine, Shadowwine, Mythrylwine, Spiritwine, Neowine, PlumwinezMule, Starwine,.

  2. #2
    Community Member Thailand_Dan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    On Sarlona, it's typically 50+ pages right now, mainly filled with motes of winter and useless recipes. They could do a better job of organizing it, I agree. It does amaze me how often this topic comes up, and they have yet to improve on the AH in years. The last change was simply making the rebid function actually work, and that seems like a long time ago.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default The official word

    No fear. Changes to the auction house are upcoming, including a search engine function. As well, an all new revamped inventory system with improved categorization and additional patron rewards for more overall space is almost ready.

    We aren't sure yet but we expect these changes to hit sooner rather than later, most likely Update 37 in early 2014.

    - Tolexo
    Annikka (Sorc), Dannikka (F), Jannikka (Rgr)
    Tamikka (Bard), Famikka (Rgr)
    Bellynda (Cl), Mellynda (M)

  4. #4
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by RobbinB View Post
    No fear. Changes to the auction house are upcoming, including a search engine function. As well, an all new revamped inventory system with improved categorization and additional patron rewards for more overall space is almost ready.

    We aren't sure yet but we expect these changes to hit sooner rather than later, most likely Update 37 in early 2014.

    - Tolexo
    I think you missed the memo that we are going to change the naming conventions from "Update X" to "Release [Vegetable Name]" in mid-late 2011.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    I mean come on! It would require such little time to add a field for description. They already have
    the routine in there for levels, just expand it.

    Talk about low hanging fruit!

    Easy to do and would be a huge response from the user base.

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