Desert Scrolls
As of: '11/5/9
basically i got all Menechtarun scrolls i needed. not much to see here...
Trading Rate;
Red Scale = 800kpp
Large Devil Scale = 400kpp (dont really needing scales atm)
Large Stone = 200kpp
Looking for other scrolls
Sword of Shadow (always nice to have extra)
Jidz-Teka (always nice to have extra)
Antique Greataxe (minor need)
Gloves of the Claw
Charged Gauntlets (nice to have extra)
Envenomed Cloak (nice to have extra)
Also looking for
Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
Vanilla Armored Bracers +8 (lvl17, no RR, no permanent damage taken)
Royal Guard Mask
PM, reply, or catch me in game with your offer. i am on wired time zone, mainly playing in early morning for US folks. thank you.